Chapter 23

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"WHAT'S ASGARD LIKE?" YOU ASKED THOR softly as he held you on his chest. The two of you were both bare, naked flesh pressed together and limbs tangled. Your hair had started to grow out so that it was at your shoulders now and Thor was moving his fingers through it, stroking your head softly.

"It's beautiful." Thor said in that low voice of his. He could be quiet when he wanted to, which was usually only after the two of you were done messing around in bed. "The city is large, and everything appears to be made of glass and reflective metal, but it is more than that. The palace is huge, we have large horses and wolves and ravens. The people there are fair and ancient, though the children are young and more like Loki in most aspects till they grow up."

Thor rolled over a little so that you were laying next to him now, burying his face into your neck, his voice and breath sending vibrations and shivers up and down your spine.

"I cannot wait to introduce you to Sif, she's my other soulmate. Fandral and Volstagg are my best friends besides Hogun. Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun make up the warrior three and Sif is a companion. The name was to good and the number three is very lucky and powerful to change it warrior four."

"What is Sif like?" You asked.

"She's tall and beautiful, though hard. She can be extremely stubborn and does not like to give in. She's an excellent warrior of course, you have to be if you are a woman to make it into battle. Though our men and women are equal, most women are sent into healing or crafts or even making weapons, not wielding them. However, every woman does know how to wield a blade, if it ever came to that. She softens the others. Hogun is much softer now than when we were growing up. But in all honesty, that might be more Elizabeth than Sif."

"You love it there?"

"It is home." Thor agreed. "You will see and understand once you see it. And you should know that it is your home too, even if we have not had ceremony yet."

You smiled at that as Thor lifted his head out of your neck to gaze lovingly at you. "And we get to go this Saturday?"

"Indeed. I was not sure if we would be going so soon, but mother requests it and we attempt to give her everything she wants." Thor said happily. "You'll love her. She'll love you. It'll be perfect, you'll see."

"I don't suppose I'll be expected of anything?" You asked worriedly. "I won't have to make a speech or anything, right?"

Thor laughed. "You will only have to be by my side for a majority of the time, though you can, of course, be with your other soulmates. And Loki."

You paused, wondering if Thor knew. Wondering if he knew Loki was not really your soulmate. Or perhaps Thor simply assumed Loki would have chosen you and you would have chosen Loki anyways. You wanted to, but you were unsure, not sure if you could handle it if he was watching your sister with coveted eyes when he was supposed to be yours.

"Loki said he's not my soulmate."

"He told you then? About being Jotun?" Thor asked, frowning lightly. "Did he ask you to take him anyways?"

"He said I could accept him and he would be mine, or reject him and he would be Elizabeth's." You admitted. Loki was his brother after all, surely Thor would have some insight.

Thor's eyes widened a little. "That is surprising."

"What were you expecting?" You asked curiously.

Thor thought about it. "To be frank, I thought he would take multiple soulmates. You see, Jotuns' can put their mark on as many people as they want- so long as they have consent. Not only had I thought he would choose both you and your sister, but I thought perhaps he'd put a mark on Sif and perhaps Fandral and Hogun as well. I wonder. . ."

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