Chapter 2

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ONCE IN NEW YORK, you drug your suitcase out of the airport sliding doors and was met with a flurry of bright red hair.

"Hey Ivy!" You said, hugging her back just as tightly.

"I'm so glad you're here." Ivy said, stepping back, a huge smile across her freckled face. She gestured around. "So how's the big city so far?"

"Amazing." You grinned, taking a look at the hundreds of people on the streets, the taxis zipping by, the tall buildings- taller than you'd ever seen them. Electronic billboards seemed to be on every building, flashing bright coloured advertisements in every direction.

"Well c'mon." Ivy said, hooking her arm through yours. "Don't want my car to get towed now, do I?"

Her car turned out to be a small Toyota in a flashy blue colour. You slid into the passenger seat after settling your bags into the trunk of the car.

"So." Ivy said, chattering along as she spend down the road. "The apartment I'm staying at has almost everything you'd ever need around it. Food courts, a small grocery shop, a bunch of clothing malls, places hiring for jobs, a movie theater, a park area, a swimming pool. And! It's two blocks away from the Avengers Tower."

"Really?" You asked in amazement and excitement. You'd always appreciated most of the Avengers good looks and thought that whoever was lucky enough to get even one of them for a soulmate was one lucky bitch. "Have you ever seen any of them?"

"Trust me Y/N." Ivy laughed. "Everyone in New York has seen Tony Stark in person at least once. And James Barnes, Steve Rogers, and Sam Wilson all go for morning runs, which makes the walking trails super popular early in the morning. With a lot of the female generation. You know they're all soulmated to each other though?"

"They must pull side ladies in though, right?" You questioned.

Just because you had a soulmate didn't really mean anything. People sometimes found their soulmates and would agree not to see each other again. Even though they technically were the best person to be with- and rejection was extremely rare- it didn't necessarily stop cheating.

Usually, in the case of three guys or girls in a relationship, they would ultimately agree to pull someone of the opposite sex in occasionally to liven things up.

"Maybe." Ivy shrugged, "But if they do, no one has ever been chosen and spoken about it."

"So the Avengers are up here at the tower?" You questioned. Something about other being with the Avengers settled wrong in your stomach. "I thought they had a fancy compound down in like D.C. or someplace."

"They come up here mostly during the summer-ish months. Like late May through early September. Once it gets cold they head south like birds." Ivy laughed.

Pulling up to Ivy's apartment was like a dream come true. It would be something close to almost having your own place.

For so long, you'd stayed in your family's two floor farm house. Despite being two floors, It was a huge place. A lot of the rooms were simply used for guest rooms when your sets of grandparents came around.

Of course, you knew the apartment was smaller than that and you weren't disappointed when you walked in.

It was on the first floor, so you didn't have to go up any steps- thankfully. Off to one side was a small living room space and a kitchen. To the other were three doors. One to Ivy's bedroom, one to yours, and the other to a closet. In Ivy's bedroom was where the door to the bathroom was.

"It's small." Ivy said with a shrug. "But it's pretty good for a New York apartment."

"I agree." You said chirpily.

Ivy pushed open the door to the room where you'd been staying. "I'm going to go and make some Kraft mac and cheese. You want any?"

"Kraft?" You asked.

"Oh right." Ivy said. "It's like boxed mac and cheese."

"Oh sure." You said. You'd never had it before. Living on the farm meant that you only ate what was produced there. Though on a birthday or a celebration your mother would go into town and they'd bring back a cake or a pumpkin roll. Sometimes a cheese and salted meat tray. And of course, your school had brought in pizzas all the time.

You hung up all of your clothes in the closet, except for any underclothes or lingerie, which went in an unused and completely empty except for a Bible in the top drawer of the dresser in the corner of the room. There was no bed in here yet, but there was a blow up mattress at the moment. You had some money already and would soon buy a nice bed to go with the room.

Once you did that, you freshened up in the bathroom, before leaving to go out to the kitchen and you could smell the wonderful food that Ivy had said she was going to make for the two of you.

"That smells great." You said as she set out two bowls of an unnaturally bright yellow pasta. The cheese in particular was bright yellow and you weren't entirely sure it was real.

"Thanks." Ivy said brightly. "You might want to wait a minute before you eat it though, it's pretty hot. Do you drink milk?"

"Yes." You said. That question was a bit weird, why wouldn't you drink milk? You had grown up drinking milk your entire life. "Do some people not drink milk?"

"Well, it depends." Ivy shrugged, pulling out a large gallon jug from the refrigerator. It had a dark blue cap on it. "Some people drink whole milk or two percent or skim. Some people drink soy milk or almond milk or goat milk or vanilla milk or chocolate milk. And some people don't drink milk because they're allergic to it or because they're vegan."

The only one out of all of those different types you'd had was chocolate. Mom and Elizabeth would crush up cocoa beans, put them through a processor, and then create a sort of powder that went into the newly purified milk from your cows and created chocolate milk.

"Thanks." You said as she handed you one of the glasses of milk. "So what new job are you doing now?"

Ivy changed jobs a lot. Almost every year.

"Oh yeah this one is terrible." Ivy moaned, "I already know I'm going to quit it at the end of my contract. Seriously, the boss expects so much from me, its ridiculous. Like, I know I have a college degree, but that doesn't mean I'm supposed to do every single thing in the office, right?"

"Right." You agreed. You were a little bitter that you'd never gone to college, but your parents didn't have the money and you hadn't gotten any scholarships to pay for it. "But at least you have a degree."

"Hmm, guess that's true." Ivy said thoughtfully. "Anyways, do you have a job yet?"

"Yeah." You said. "I'm working at the Starbucks down the street."

"Sweet." Ivy said. "Literally. You can get free coffee."

You laughed. "Exactly why I got the job."

The night grew long outside and Ivy decided that we should go partying- which you heartily agreed to. However, not having any party clothes, Ivy let you go into her closet and borrow something to wear.

She wore a sparkly green sort of mermaid dress that cut off right below her ass and a pair of six inch black heels. She pulled her long red hair up into a high ponytail, curling it so that the ends tickled her shoulders.

You picked out a white strapless dress. It was tight in every area and showed off your best assets. You curled your own hair, but left it down and loose. You heels were just as high and your makeup just as exotic.

"Let's go party!" Ivy cheered. 

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