Chapter 12

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"Y/N? WHERE ARE YOU?" ELIZABETH CALLED, clinging to the loose soil of the cliff. She could hear her horse running away, braying in panic. "Y/N!"

Elizabeth listened desperately, waiting for her big sister to come and save her.

Y/N appeared at the edge, dressed in a blood red dress. Her H/C hair was pulled back into pigtails with red chiffon bows. She looked like an angel, the setting sun behind her making her glow. As she smiled, her teeth were perfectly straight and white. The favorite, beautiful daughter.

"What's wrong Elizabeth?" Y/N's voice asked, sounding like a bell tinkle.

"Help me up." Elizabeth gasped, clutching the dirt, feeling it underneath her nails. She looked down for one second and regretted it immediately, feeling her stomach drop out of her. There was nothing below her for miles. Nothing but air. "Please Y/N!"

"I'm not what's stopping you from getting up." Y/N said in that angelic voice of hers. She bent down, the edges of her dress hovering inches above the dirt. "You could get yourself up if you really tried."

Elizabeth's arms were shaking, desperate not to fall. "Y/N, please!"

"Wouldn't it be better?" Y/N asked. "After all, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. . . be a little stronger little sister. Stop relying on others so much. It's parasitic."

Y/N grabbed Elizabeth's hands, lifting them slightly so that she was the only thing keeping Elizabeth from falling. Elizabeth's breath hitched in her throat, more scared than before when she was holding her own weight.

Y/N tilted her head and smiled. Elizabeth could smell her now, a heavenly scent that Elizabeth knew would probably drive men wild. Roses and champagne and something fruity. "Long live the Queen" and she casted Elizabeth off. Elizabeth couldn't even scream as she fell in the air, watching as her elder sister became a black speck in the sky.

Elizabeth jerked upright, gasping for breath. The door was thrown open and she jerked where she was as Hogun came to her side. She could feel sweat dripping down her back and she stared at Hogun wild eyed.

"Are you alright? You were screaming for your sister." He asked, sitting on the bed next to her. The two of them had already talked and agreed not to consummate until after their Earthen marriage so that she would be pure in the eyes of her God.

"I'm alright." She said through shaky breaths. "I just had a nightmare, that's all."

"What was it about?" Hogun asked softly.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to say 'my sister' before realizing that sounded bad. "It was just a dream about my mental strength. It was. . . symbolic."

"But your sister?" Hogun frowned.

"Oh," Elizabeth frowned. "She was an angel actually."

Hogun frowned a little but let it go. "What do you need from me?"

Elizabeth glanced over at him. "Can you just stay for a little? I always slept better when you were near me."

"Of course." Hogun murmured, laying down on top of the covers on the bed. Elizabeth rolled over, curling into his side. "Don't worry about your sister love. You get to see her tomorrow."

Elizabeth nearly shivered. "Yes, that will probably help me relax." It was quiet for another moment. She shifted around before she was finally relaxed and then said, "Thank you, for checking on me."

She could feel his lips as he kissed the top of her head, an electrifying feeling going through her. Only her devout belief in God was keeping her from asking him to take her right there and then. 'The veil' She thought desperately. 'And Father would be so disappointed.'

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