Chapter 10

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HOGUN WAS ALREADY AWAKE WHEN Elizabeth woke. She observed him over the edge of the hay loft as he milked the cows. He was singing something lightly under his breath that was from no language she had ever heard before.

"What language is that?" She asked lightly.

To his credit, Hogun didn't jump, simply smiling at her over his shoulder and answering, "Vanirim." He replied.

"I thought you were from Asgard?" She asked softly as she climbed down the ladder.

"I lived in Asgard for most of my life, especially after becoming Thor's friend and a warrior." He replied. "But my home planet is Vanaheim. I'm Vanir." Hogun replied. He laughed easily. "I guess that's not a good thing you don't know that."

Elizabeth blushed. "I guess I thought it was rude to ask where you were from."

Hogun stood up with the milk buttons, leaning over and kissing her on the lips. "C'mon, we still have plenty to do."

She smiled, taking one of the other buckets and following him over to the milk tanks. They finished the rest of the chores, laughing. Elizabeth's father watched unannounced from his study window, a faint smile on his lips.

Elizabeth's mother on the other hand was sulking.

"What do you mean they're getting married?" She asked in shock. "Y/N-"

"I don't particularly care who gets married first Y/M/N." He had replied sternly. "I just want my daughters to be happy. Why should Elizabeth's happiness be put off because Y/N hasn't gotten married yet? Y/N's known her mates for longer than Elizabeth has. If she isn't married yet, that's on her."

"But it's not Y/N's fault if she's not ready for marriage yet." Her mother protested. "They've only known each other for a couple of weeks and she has more mates to get to know!"

"And Elizabeth has known Hogun for a month and a half, and Hogun wants to marry her. Don't worry, they'll marry on Asgard so you'll have nothing to worry about for the polite company that you so desperately crave." He replied lightly. "Elizabeth will have an Earthly wedding after Y/N has hers. Doesn't that fit better with you?"

Needless to say, your guys' mother was feeling rather salty about it. She was already thinking about a message to construct to you over the phone to let you know the news in a way that put your father in a bad light and that she didn't support it at all, her favorite daughter should be getting married first.

As the other two came back to the barn, Hogun pointed the horses. "Would you like to go out for a ride?"

"Sure, I'd love to show you the trails. We have some beautiful ones out in the country." Elizabeth beamed. "If you'd like, I can even prepare a picnic basket."

Hogun shook his head. "Another day. Not today. If that's alright with you of course?"

"Whatever you want." Elizabeth said, feeling neither disappointed or joyful about not having to prepare a picnic basket.

Hogun smiled and the two of them saddled up two of the horses. He let Elizabeth lead a little until a clear trail was pointed out and then the two of them rode side by side.

Elizabeth pointed out several spots along the trail. "This is where Y/N and I found baby squirrels. They'd been abandoned and we called the wildlife department. We got to feed them little bottles of milk. Well, I did. Y/N was to scared of them."

"This is where I broke my arm." She said, pointing to where the trail steeped downwards in a cliff.

"How did that happen?" Hogun asked.

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