Chapter 30

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A LOT OF PREPARATIONS WENT INTO ELIZABETH'S wedding. Your father had a huge fight with Tony about who was going to pay for the wedding. In the end, your father won.

That of course meant the wedding was going to be on a smaller scale, but that was probably for the best. Elizabeth would prefer the smaller wedding, and it would also give your family less people to embarrass yourself around.

To be fair, most of everyone who was going to be invited was already there. Fury, Maria, Coulson, Hope, Scott, Wong, Peter, May, Happy, Pepper, and MJ would have to fly in. Fandral, Volstagg, Sif, and Frigga would be beamed down. But other than that, there wasn't really anyone else Elizabeth had planned on inviting.

Your mother rarely participated in the discussions, not even over Elizabeth's dress. Natasha was going to step up into that role until Frigga had come down and said she already had a dress ready for Elizabeth.

However, dad lost the fight against the Queen of Asgard for the price of the dress. You weren't entirely sure he would've been able to pay for it anyways.

A church was booked, something you thought Loki would scoff at but he seemed to respect it which made you relax some.

Stephen had been added to those that Elizabeth was going to marry as his tattoo was also fully coloured, leaving only Steve and Bucky out of it. You wanted to ask how they felt about Sam marrying Elizabeth, but you knew the better thing was to pretend the gap didn't exist at all. Things went smoother that way.

Originally, Elizabeth was only going to have Natasha and Wanda be her bridesmaids, but once realizing that Sif would also be one, she enlisted Pepper to be the fourth. She had to have even numbers.

You had told your soulmates that after Elizabeth's wedding, you wouldn't mind getting married yourself. Within the next year or so, it didn't have to be immediate. But the conversation between Elizabeth and you had opened up a part of you that wanted to take your next step in life. And that meant getting married, having children, having a family.

The snow came down thick in the middle of November which meant Steve and Bucky weren't leaving the house. They didn't deal with the cold well.

Loki was okay with the cold, but it often made his skin turn blue, but he didn't mind his Jotun form as much and you were glad about that. Of course, in his Jotun form, only Thor, Elizabeth, and Frigga could actually touch him and not get frostbite.

The fall harvest came along before the wedding, so Elizabeth was out there taking care of pumpkin, corn, and squash. Hogun, Bruce, Clint, and Tony helped out. You wondered if they would start to prefer the farm over New York.

Surprisingly, this did not upset you like it might've months ago. With your soulmates on the farm, it seemed happier, busier, and more loving than it ever had. You could actually imagine your future family growing up on the farm. The idea might've even of made you happy, though you did want to return to New York more.

Your mother had held off on getting an abortion so far, at least to the point where she was starting to show. You knew she was also feeling trapped and had overheard her talking on the phone to a clinic. So you knew she was going to wait until you and your soulmates and your sister left back for New York to get the procedure done.

Thanksgiving came and it was passed at the farm house. Your grandparents on either side of the family came and joined you all for three days. Topped with all your soulmates, Frigga, Thor's Asgardian friends, and all of the others like Fury, Pepper, Phil, T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, Maria, Scott, Hope, and all of the Guardians coming down to join a few weeks before the wedding, the house was crammed.

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