Chapter 19

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LOKI WASN'T DRUNK. HE HADN'T BEEN drunk the entire time, but he'd pretended because it gave him the advantage to be alert when they didn't think he was.

The first time he had laid his eyes upon Y/N's sister, his first and immediate thought had been one he had to banish immediately. But that didn't stop him from keeping an eye on her.

He wasn't technically a second, but he'd grown up under the guise of being a second child. So he knew the favoritism that Y/N had received versus the way Elizabeth must have been treated. But he didn't realize it would carry on to soulmates.

He watched Tony, Stephen, Steve, and James give everything to Y/N and almost nothing to Elizabeth, not even scraps. And even the bird had stopped paying attention to her, now that the strippers were in front of him.

He wished he could've approached her, he almost had when the piece of human filth had approached her.

He could almost sense her loneliness, but didn't dare do anything more than look at Hogun and wish that he hadn't gotten the idiot drunk.

And then the next time he'd looked, Elizabeth had been gone. He hadn't really thought there was anything to be worried about, but he couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

That she was supposed to be sitting there at that table.


So he'd stood up. He'd gone downstairs and searched the larger part of the club for her, and had even stepped out front to see if she was sitting on the benches. He'd even transformed into a girl so that he could search the dingy women's bathroom.

But there was nothing.

And so he'd finally stepped out to the parking lot and he couldn't see her either. He wondered if maybe she'd decided to walk home, or maybe she'd asked Happy to drive her back to the tower. Happys car wasn't out here either.

He turned to go back into the building. Maybe he'd missed her when he was searching one of the rooms. A glint of familiar metal caught his eye and he turned to stare at the two knives that had been dumped into the bush.

He snapped his fingers, making the broken light above the building light up to life, illuminating the sidewalk and bush. The knives he'd given Elizabeth were there, one clean, one covered in red blood. Now that he could see, the sidewalk also had large splotches of blood.

His knives. He picked them up. Their names- Skjønnhet and Nåde- engraved onto the Asgaridian blades. He couldn't help but sign them. Beauty and Grace. The first words that had come to his mind when he thought about Elizabeth.

Blood ran down thickly, surrounding the jewels and leaking off the handle onto his fingers. The blood was fresh.

He thought almost for a moment of going back into the club, telling them, but it would do no good. They were drunk as skunks and couldn't contribute anything useful in this state.


He transported himself back to Avengers tower, straight into the living room. To his luck, Rhodey had been there, a single beaker of bourbon there, mostly untouched. Rhodey himself had been to immersed in the mystery novel he'd been reading to drink anything. But he did jump when Loki appeared.

"Loki! What the hell man!"

"Please tell me she's here." Loki said, ignoring him.

"Who?" Rhodey asked, looking at the knives in Lokis' hands and then immediately setting the books aside. "Whose hurt? Wanda, Nat-"

"Elizabeth. I gave these to Elizabeth." Loki said. "I stopped watching her for two minutes and she was gone. I went looking for her and these were all I could find."

The Art of the Tattoo- Marvel Soulmate storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें