Chapter 34

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"I WANT ANSWERS!" SAM SNAPPED AS HE stormed into the room. "No more beating around the bush, no more lies, no more secrecy, why the hell do the two of you keep antagonizing and just being plain rude to the poor girl?"

Bucky looked up awkwardly from where he was sitting in the corner of the room, his arms resting on his knees.

Steve on the other hand, didn't even glance over at him. "I just want to find Y/N and bring her back safely."

"So you deliberately yell at her!? How is that supposed to help anything?" Sam smarted. "Good lord, how about you just hit her around some and add some physical bruises instead of the emotional ones!"

Bucky actually flinched and Steve just glared over at Sam.

"Why aren't you accepting her? Why aren't you rejecting her? Why are you keeping her somewhere in the middle?" Sam shouted. "Y/N, your precious Y/N that you can never just shut up about even told the two of you not to leave her in the middle!"

"That's enough Sam." Steve demanded. "I've told you time and time again that I have my reasons and that's my-"

"No." Sam shook his head. "No, not anymore. Not when I'm being torn in two as well. You think this decision is only hurting Elizabeth? It's hurting me Steve. How am I supposed to keep doing this? It's like living a double life. One with her and one with you two and Y/N. We were supposed to share everything together! So no. You don't get to keep saying it's only your business! I mean, you've wanted a female presence so badly that you almost went back for-"

Sam cut off and then asked, "Wait. Is this because you think she looks like Peggy?"

Steve didn't look at him now and Sam scoffed, "Unbelievable. She looks nothing like Peggy."

Sam turned on Bucky, "I know you can't possibly be avoiding her because she looks like Peggy! Hell, I've seen the way that you look at her! I know what you like and her long hair has got to be a contributing factor. In fact, I thought you would have preferred Elizabeth over Y/N because of that!"

Bucky's eyes shifted uneasily between Steve and Sam. Sam was hating how Bucky seemed to scared to say anything in front of Steve.

"Who do you love more Sam?" Steve asked quietly. "Us or Elizabeth?"

Sam's mouth actually dropped, "Are you serious right now? I don't love any of you more than I love the others. That's why I need you to tell me why you're not getting along with Elizabeth."

Sam was silent for a moment and then said, "Steve, I love you. I love you Bucky. But if you make me choose, then you're going to lose me."

Sam walked out, slamming the door closed behind him. Then the tears started to flow on both sides.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

ELIZABETH HAD CALMED DOWN ENOUGH to be of some use and the Avengers were off to save Y/N except Clint who had passed out from pain on the couch, and Wanda who had wanted to stay back with Elizabeth.

Wanda watched as Elizabeth knelt by Clint's side, wafting the smelling salts under his nose to wake him up. She also already had a cup of hot milk with cinnamon waiting for when he woke up.

Wanda was sure the young woman would make a wonderful mother and wife. She could've also worked in the medical field, she would be amazing with patients.

"Are you alright?" Elizabeth asked softly as Clint came around.

"Ow." Clint mumbled and winced as he got into a sitting position. Elizabeth set the smelling salts aside, handing him the cup of milk instead.

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