chapter forty nine

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"I only want you to know that I care."

Chapter 49

*flashback continues*

As soon as the screens turned off, everyone finally made their way out of the place they had just entered. Aina's tears wet the skin of her face. Her heart was pounding and she could feel it somewhere in her throat. All she could think about was how much she wanted to go home and how much she wanted everything to be over.

Her whole body ached. However, she had no idea if it was the gunshot wound, or rather the sight of Chishiya who gave her his gaze when everyone decided to leave, but she was still standing leaning against one of the tables.

"Do you need help?" He suddenly asked her loud enough for Aina and also Kuina to hear him, who a little while ago turned her steps towards the exit, where Arisu and Usagi were already.

"Huh?" Aina looked up at Chishiya's face and noticed him nervously clenching his hands into fists even as he tried to hide them behind the fabric of his hoodie in it's pockets.

Chishiya sighed loudly, took a deep breath, and without another word wrapped his right arm around her body, resting his palm on her waist. Aina had no other choice, and even though she wanted to avoid him, she knew she wouldn't escape him this time, so she raised her left hand in the air and wrapped it around his neck, touching his shoulder with her palm.

Chishiya gently parted his lips at the touch of her palm on his shoulder and slowly turned his head towards her.

Aina did the same and when their eyes met, she felt more tears welling up in her eyes, but she knew she couldn't let them fall.

No more.

Not because of him.

Chishiya suddenly averted his gaze in front of him and slowly forced Aina to finally focus on something other than his eyes with his first step forward.

She was starting to lose herself in them again, so she was glad that she didn't have to keep looking at them, even though she was starting to miss them right away.

But then her eyes fell to her waist, where Chishiya was hugging her with his arm and they slowly approached the door together, where Kuina was already waiting for them.

"Watch that wound." Kuina immediately reported, motioning for Chishiya not to hit the wound Aina had on the back of her side.

However, Chishiya just sighed in annoyance and rolled his eyes at her remark.

"Do I look like a fool to you?"

Aina looked towards his face. She saw his eyebrows raise as he looked at Kuina. He looked patronizing and Aina would almost think he was angry with Kuina and didn't want to hear anything from her.

Kuina took a deep breath and walked outside without answering him, leaving Aina and Chishiya alone to slowly walk towards the iron door leading to the subway corridor. Arisu, Usagi, and Kuina had already passed them, but Chishiya and Aina were in no hurry.

There was so much they wanted to say to each other, but neither of them knew how to begin. Until Aina's voice broke the silence between them.

"Did you fight? With Kuina?"

"Why do you think so?" He asked in amazement.

"You almost yelled at her a moment ago."

"Maybe it seemed like that, but no."

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