She blushes. Actually blushes! "No secret - just good coffee beans."

"Well, it's fantastic!" he says, and I roll my eyes.

"Erm... mum? Ben and I might head out in a bit, hope that's ok?"

"Of course, sweetheart, where are you off to?"

Ben smiles, "It's, erm... a surprise, Sandra." Her eyes light up as she looks between Ben and me.

"A surprise? How lovely! Is that for Holly's birthday?"

Ben looks at me, momentarily confused before the realisation sinks in. With my birth only a couple of weeks before Christmas, my parents thought it would "cute" to name me Holly. As a kid, a birthday so close to Christmas was annoying, but now I kind of like it.

Ben smiles at my mum. "Sure is." I roll my eyes again and, taking my cup of coffee with me, make a beeline towards the stairs.

"My dad's watching match highlights in the living room if you fancy it?" I mention.

Ben smiles and nods at me. Let's see if Sandra lets him out of her grip, I think to myself.

Finding an outfit when you don't know where you're going is hard. Especially when you're going with the guy you've been lusting after. I decide that comfort is best and go for black skinny jeans, black and white striped jumper, and black biker boots. I leave my hair down but take a hairband, just in case. After lining my eyes, I add some lip balm, grab my winter cape, and head downstairs.

Entering the living room, I find my dad and Ben talking animatedly about football, already seeming very relaxed in each other's company.

"Ready when you are" I say, brightly.

Ben nods and stands. "Nice to chat to you, John." he says, extending his hand out to shake my dad's.

"Yes mate, nice to meet you. Take care of that one, won't you?" He says, nodding in my direction.

"I will."

We say goodbye to mum and make our way to his car.

"It's freezing!" I say as I close the door.

"I'll put the heating on... or you could wear my scarf?" I remember back to our time at the park when he offered me his West Ham scarf.

"Not gonna happen!" I giggle.

"Suit yourself!" He says, starting up the car and turning on the heating.

"So, where are we going?" I ask again.

"It's a surprise! Why didn't you tell me it's your birthday? Now I feel like an even BIGGER prick for how I acted yesterday!"

"It's not until tomorrow, and you SHOULD feel like a prick!" I exclaim.

"To make it up to you, why don't I let you connect your phone again so you can play us some of that shit you call music?" He smirks and glances in my direction. I gently thump him on the arm in mock offence and pull my phone out to shuffle songs.

After his complaints about Harry Styles, Paramore and Fall Out Boy, we land on The Kid Laroi 'Without you', and we both sing along. As the song finishes, I look out the window and gasp.

"We're in London?" I ask, shocked. Ben chuckles.

"We sure are."

"Where are we going?"

"There's a Christmas Market here on the South Bank. It doesn't get as busy as Hyde Park, so I thought we could have a walk around?" I squeak and smile with joy as we drive over Westminster Bridge.

[Complete] Noise and Kisses {chicklit}Where stories live. Discover now