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Cat had plans with Miguel and Robby today

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Cat had plans with Miguel and Robby today. She was going to hang with Miguel for a while then go to the skatepark with Robby. After she got ready she skated down the sidewalk towards their apartments.

Cat kicked up her skateboard as she walked up to Miguel's apartment door. She knocked on the door and Rosa opened it. Rosa greeted Cat in Spanish and Cat greeted her back, also in Spanish. Cat walked in and over to Miguel who was on the couch.

"Sup, Miggy," Cat said, plopping down on the couch next to him.

"Hey, Cat," Miguel said. He then saw a bruise on Cat's face. "What happened to your face?"

"I fell off my bed," Cat shrugged.


"Whatcha wanna do?" Cat asked. She leaned on the arm rest and laid her legs out. Her feet resting on Miguel's knees.

"I don't know," Miguel said. "Play video games or something?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

Miguel nodded. He pushed Cat's feet off of him as he stood up and grabbed them controllers and hooked his gaming system. After a couple of minutes, he sat back down and they looked through his games. Eventually, they decided on one and started playing.


After hours of Cat and Miguel playing video games, Robby walked into the apartment. "Hey, guys," he said to Cat and Miguel.

"Sup, Robz," Cat nodded at him.

"Hey, Robby," Miguel said.

That's when Robby noticed the bruise on Cat's face. His face had a flash of anger. "Did Hawk or Demetri do that?" he asked, pointing at the bruise.

"No, Robz," Cat said. "I fell off my bed this morning."


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Cat groaned and she brought her arm out of her blanket, reaching for her phone to turn off her alarm. She felt around for it and it wasn't in reach. She scooched closer to the end of her bed as she kept reaching for her phone. She kept reaching and reaching when she finally felt what she hoped was her phone. She reached a little farther to fully grab it. Then boom!

"Ow! Motherfucker!" Cat sat up after falling face first on her floor. "Ow..." she mumbled, rubbing her face.

Cat slowly stood up, grabbed her phone, and finally turned off her alarm. She dropped her phone back down in its spot before walling off to her bathroom.


"Yeah... that does sound like something you'd do," Robby muttered.

"Yeah," Cat sighed.

"Why would you think they'd do that?" Carmen asked from the kitchen.

"Oh, well," Cat started. She just realized that she never told Carmen about her dating Eli and Demetri. Unless Miguel or Johnny said something Carmen wouldn't know. "I'm kinda dating Eli and Demetri. Robby's just overprotective and threatened them when he found out."

"Oh, well, good for you," Carmen said. "Are they treating you well?"

Cat smiled. She knew Carmen would be supportive. "Yeah," she nodded. "They are."

"That's good," Carmen nodded.

"So, uh, Catty, are you ready to go to the skatepark?" Robby said.

"Sure," Cat stood up. "Later, Miggy."

"Later, Cat," Miguel said.

Cat and Robby left the apartment. They skated to the skatepark. When they got there they joked around as they skated. They did some tricks and whatnot. They just had some fun hanging out.

(548 words. Whatcha think? Please feel free to comment! I love reading and responding to comments! Also, please check out my other stories! If you want to that is.)

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