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Cat finished making a copy of a game that she hacked so she could get it for free

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Cat finished making a copy of a game that she hacked so she could get it for free. She transferred it onto a hard drive. As soon as she was finished she put the hard drive next to her phone. She got up and slipped on her shoes before grabbing her phone, the hard drive, her keys, and her skateboard.

Cat skated down the sidewalk before turning into a driveway and kicking up her board, grabbing it. She knocked on the door of the house repeatedly until it opened.

"My god, Cat," Demetri said, rolling his eyes. "Have some patients."

Cat rolled her eyes a little as she walked past him into the house. "I got the game."

"Wait? What? You got the game? The game?" Demetri asked, closing the door and following Cat to his bedroom.

"Yes the game," Cat said, walking into Demetri's room and flopping on his bed. She held out the hard drive.

"But how?" Demetri asked, taking the hard drive. "It's not out for another 3 days and costs like 50 bucks for the early excess."

"I'm magic, I guess," Cat joked with a shrug.

"Maybe you are," Demetri said, looking at the hard drive. "Now put it on."

Cat took the hard drive from Demetri and went over to his tv. She did whatever she had to to get the game ready to play. She sat back down on the bed next to Demetri. He handed her a controller.

"Looks like we're going to be playing this all night," Demetri said.

"Yeah, but we're going to need the gamer's nutrition," Cat joked.

"Ah, yes. Caffeinated drinks and munchies," Demetri said. "I'll text my mom. She's at the store right now."


After Demetri texted his mom and put down his phone, he and Cat smiled at each other before starting up the game.


It was like 1 am and Cat and Demetri were still playing the game. Empty snack wrappers and containers overflowed from the small trash can next to Demetri's dresser. Empty energy drinks and coffee cups were spread about. They've been playing for over 12 hours with minimal breaks.

"Damn it!" Cat dropped the controller and fell back on the bed. "Why can't we beat this level!"

"Maybe because we've been playing for so long," Demetri said. He was also frustrated that they couldn't beat this level, but he also just realized how tired he was getting. "Maybe we should take a break and get some sleep. We can continue in the morning."

"Yeah, you're right," Cat sat up. "We'll have a more clear head then." She looked over at Demetri. "And I'm getting tired."

"Same," Demetri stood up. "Here, let me grab something for you to sleep in."

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