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Prom was in a couple of days and Cat didn't have a date

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Prom was in a couple of days and Cat didn't have a date. She didn't mind much, there were only two people she'd even want to ask her and she knew that wasn't going to happen. She walked through the school hallway to her locker. Lunch started like 3 minutes ago, but she wanted to drop her books off at her locker first.

A couple of minutes later, Cat walked into the lunch room. She was on her way to the table her friends were sitting at when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw some guy. If she remembered correctly his name was Brandon; they had math and history together.

"Hey, Cattrina," Brandon said, his hands behind his back.

"Uh, hey," Cat responded.

"I had a question for you," he said. He cleared his throat, and spoke louder so people could hear him as he asked, "Will you go to prom with me?" He moved his hands in front of him and was holding a flower.

"Oh, uh," Cat could tell people were looking at them. A lot of people. "Sure," she said. What else was she supposed to do? Say no and embarrass this guy in front of everyone?

"Great," Brandom said, handing the flower to Cat. "Later, Cattrina." He walked off.


It was prom night and Cat was ready

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It was prom night and Cat was ready. She was just going to meet Brandon at the dance. The dress she was wearing had been made by a friend of hers from France. She had sent her the dress for her last birthday. Cat figured this was the best time for the dress to get some usage. There were some other dresses that her friend had sent her over time for different random reasons.

Cat took an uber to where the prom was taking place. She got out and fixed her hair. She walked up to the venue. She saw Brandon, but he wasn't alone. He was kissing someone. Some girl. He and the girl pulled apart and Brandon looked over at Cat. He told the girl he'd be right back and walked over to Cat.


Cat saw as Demetri walked away from Eli with Yasmine. 'Thought she was in Australia?' Cat thought. She saw Eli looking over at Moon longingly. Cat sighed a little and walked over.

"Hey, Eli," Cat said.

"Hey, Cat," Eli said. "Where's your date?"

Cat pointed over to the opposite end of the room where Brandon and that girl were making out as they somewhat danced. "Apparently, he only asked me to make her jealous."

"That asshole, it's his loss," Eli said. "He's out of his mind if he thinks that girl is better than you."

"Thanks, E" Cat said.

"Of course, C. Are you okay?" He gently put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine," Cat shrugged. "I didn't really wanna go with him anyway."

"Then why'd you say yes?"

"He asked me in front of everyone and I felt like I couldn't say no."

Eli nodded a little.

"Plus, there's no way who I would've liked to ask me would ask," She muttered to herself as she looked at where Eli was staring. He was looking at Moon again, who was next to the dancing pair Yasmine and Demetri.

"What was that?" Eli asked, glancing back over at her again.

"Nothing," Cat said. "I'm gonna grab a drink."

She walked off and went over to the drink and snack bar. She grabbed an empty cup. Instead of filling it with the punch, she filled it with vodka she had in a hidden pocket. "This is going to be a long night," she muttered to herself before taking a sip of her drink and slowly making her way back over to Eli.


As soon as Cat got home she kicked off her shoes, took out her colored contacts, and flopped on her bed. She was tired and kind of drunk, so she just passed out immediately. It didn't matter that she was still fully dressed.

Cat didn't go to the prom after-party with everyone else, instead, she bought herself some alcohol, and went to the park where she had originally met Demetri and Eli. She got drunk as she stared up at the stars from the top of the monkey bars. When she had gotten down to head home she fell, so she may or may not end up with a bruise in the morning.

(738 words.) 

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