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Cat had the apartment to herself since Robby is kinda living with the Larussos now. He tried to give back the key, but she told him to keep it. It was a just-in-case thing, I guess, but also it was because she trusted him and he was allowed over whenever. He had actually stayed at his apartment for a night or two because he just did, but it turns out his mom is going to Mexico with some guy. So he came back to Cat's apartment for a night or so before moving in with the Larussos.

Cat danced around her apartment as she sang along to a song. She was getting ready to go hang out with Eli, Demetri, Miguel, and Aisha. She got changed, brushed her hair, put in her contacts, etc. She didn't have many options for clothes, because she hadn't had the chance to do laundry. She put some stuff in her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and grabbed her skateboard. She stumbled a little as pulled on her shoes as she made her way to the door.

She opened her door and saw the apartment building owner. He saw her open her door and went over to her. She looked over at him after closing the door of her apartment. "Don't forget, your rent is due next Friday," the guy said. Cat nodded. "Don't be late with it," he said before walking off down the hallway.

Cat signed and rolled her eyes. She locked the door behind her and made her way down the 4 flights of stairs since the elevator was broken. It's been broken for weeks at this point and it didn't seem like it was ever going to get fixed. She took the hair tie from her wrist and put her hair up into a bun as she ran down the steps. She reached the bottom of the steps and walked through the lobby and out the door.

She skated down the sidewalk

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She skated down the sidewalk. She was somewhat distracted as she thought about rent. She'll have the money, but she's just waiting to get paid. She just hopes she actually gets paid by next Friday. Since she was distracted she didn't notice the stick that was on the sidewalk. As soon as her wheels hit the stick they stopped, but she didn't. She fell forward; she barely had time to react, but she quickly put her arms in front of her face.

"Fuck," she muttered as she looked at the back of her hands. She got up and grabbed her skateboard. She was almost at the mall where she was meeting up with her friends, so she just walked the rest of the way. She didn't wanna risk falling again and making the injuries worse. She walked up to the mall and saw her friends already there waiting for her.

"Hey, Cattrina," Aiash greeted, the boys, Hawk, Demetri, and Miguel, followed suit and greeted Cat. Cat waved back in greeting.

"Hey, what happened to your hands?" Eli asked, being the first to notice. Cat just held up her skateboard and they got the picture.

"Your shoulders are naked," Miguel pointed out, causing Cat to giggle a little and nod.

"Mhm," she hummed. 'I didn't have many clean clothes options,' she signed.

They all agreed that Cat and Aisha were going to go to the bathroom to clean Cat's hands and the boys would go find a table in the food court. Then the girls would meet up with them and they'd get food before going shopping. So they went inside and the two girls split off from the three boys.

All Cat's Are Grey In The Dark | Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now