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Cat decided to tag along with Demetri and Eli to their training at the Miyagi-do dojo

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Cat decided to tag along with Demetri and Eli to their training at the Miyagi-do dojo. Technically she was never 'fired' from being assistant sensei; it just felt implied when the two dojos split. When they got there the boys put on their gis while Cat sat on the back porch, looking around at the dojo. There were a few students around already while others were changing inside or not there yet.

"Cattrina, it's nice to see you here," Daniel said as he approached the girl. Cat looked over at him.

"Yeah, I had nothing else to do," Cat shrugged a little. "And, with the tournament coming up, it seems like this would be the best time for me to help. Plus, I heard they're training with weapons today and I've been training with weapons before I was potty trained. I'm quite the swordsman or well swordswoman."

"I know," Daniel said. "Sam showed me the video that some anonymous person posted."

Cat nodded. "I'm pretty sure it was Kreese."


"Yeah, after it was posted, I tracked the IP address and found the video was posted from the same strip that the Cobra Kai dojo is. I was also able to get more information after hacking a little further to see that it was posted from the same wifi network that Cobra Kai used. It was posted during school hours, so I put two and two together," Cat said with a casual shrug.

Daniel nodded. "Well, you're welcome here anytime. I appreciate the little things you've done to help."

"You realize by giving me these you've dramatically increased my odds of being stabbed to death," Demetri said as he picked up a pair of sia (I think that's what they're called) from the table of weapons.

"Believe me, I'd rather be training to fight Tory," Sam said. "But, we have to keep working on these skills if we wanna win the tournament."

"And don't worry so much, D," Cat said, putting her hand on his back. "I'll make sure you don't die."

The students were taking a short break from training to get a drink and maybe have a snack. Demetri and Eli were sitting with Cat on the sparing deck as they drank their water.

"So are we going to get to see some of your skills?" Eli asked Cat.

"Not sure," Cat said. "This is about y'all getting ready for the tournament."

"Are you going to compete?" Sam asked, walking over. "That way we'll have better chances in the girls' division."

"I can't," Cat said.

"Why not?" Demetri asked.

"I have to work," Cat said. "I asked for the day off, but my one boss still scheduled me and said if I don't work he'll fire me. So..."

"Well, I still wanna see your weapon fighting," Eli said. "I've seen the video, but I wanna see it in person."

"Maybe another time."


It was a day or two later

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It was a day or two later. Cat had a duffle bag slung over her shoulder as she was on her way to the Miyagi-do dojo. There was no training today, but she wanted to practice some of her sword work, and Daniel said she could use the dojo. She had a sword and a dagger in her bag. They had been her dad's. She also had nunchucks that happened to be in the bag. She also had a pocket staff which she just had on her randomly.

She got there and went to the back. She set down her bag and opened it, looking over the contents. She took out a sword that was in a sheath. She attached the sheath to her belt loop. She went up on the sparing deck.

She pulled the sword out of the sheath. She spun it in her hand. She sliced it through the air in front of her. She twisted, dropping her one knee, and pulled the sword back, bending her elbow, with it near the side of her head. She extended her arm and the sword at her side. She spun around as she raised back up, spinning around the sword, and slicing it through the air in front of her. She spun the sword, slicing it through the air and to her side. Then put it back in the sheath.


Cat was doing some training with a dagger. She was probably 12 at the time. She thrust the dagger forward. She pulled her arm back, twisted the dagger around in her hand, did a flip, and sliced it through the air. She spun and struck the air multiple times.

Cat did a triple cartwheel. She grabbed the handle of the dagger with her feet and did a flip. She let go of the dagger mid-flip and it landed bullseye on the training dummy, right between the eyes. She landed on one knee like a superhero pose.

Cat smiled as she stood up properly. "Boom!" She clapped her hands together once before pumping her fist in the air. That was the first time she was able to do that multiple times in a row.


Once Cat finished going through her sword practice and whatnot, she packed her things up again. She slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way home. Once home, she took out the weapons and placed them in their proper place. She kept them in a closet, but she had them arranged nicely.

(905 words. Whatcha think of the story? Also, my sister dyed my hair last night v)

 Whatcha think of the story? Also, my sister dyed my hair last night v)

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