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Cat was hanging with Miguel seeing as he was like one of the only friends she was talking to right now. The two just talked about random stuff. She was helping him do the different movement thing she talked to him about a week or so ago. She's done this a couple of times that week.

She was holding his ankle and calf as she brought his knee towards his chest then back out straight then back to his chest and did that a couple of times. She moved the leg around in a circle a couple of times. Then she did it all with the other leg.

Cat had just finished working on a programming job

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Cat had just finished working on a programming job. She stood up and stretched with some cracks and pops. She yawned a little and made her way to the kitchen to find something to drink and maybe something to eat.

Cat sipped on some water as she looked through the fridge and cupboards. She was looking for something to eat, but there was practically nothing and what there was she just found unappetizing.

There was a knock on the door. Cat signed as she set down her cup and had her way to the door. She opened it to reveal Demetri. She immediately noticed that his arm was in a cast.

"Uh, hey, Demetri," Cat said. "What happened?"

"That's what I'm here to tell you," Demetri said. Cat nodded and she let him in.

"So?" Cat asked now that they were sitting on the couch.

"I know you don't want to be in the middle of all the karate stuff, but I thought I should be the one to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Cat pressed.

"Hawk broke my arm."

Cat was silent for a minute. "...he what?"

"He, uh, he broke my arm," Demetri said. "I just thought you should know. I don't think he'd hurt you, but I also used to think that he wouldn't hurt me so uh-"

"Shh shh," Cat shushed him. "Don't worry D. He couldn't physically hurt me if he wanted to."

Demetri nodded.

"Thank you for telling me, Demetri."

"Of course, Cat."


Cat was on her way to the skatepark

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Cat was on her way to the skatepark. Of course, the Cobra Kai dojo had to be on her way there. As she was skating by she saw some of the cobras outside the dojo. She also saw a certain someone. Hawk.

Cat stopped skating and started walking over to him. Some kids moved out of her way as she stormed over to Hawk. He looked over at her right before she shoved him. Hawk stumbled back a little.

"What the hell, Cat?" Hawk asked.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Cat practically yelled at him. That was the loudest she's talked around that many people before. Sure she's been more open to talking now, but she usually talked quietly.

"What are you talking about?" Hawk asked.

"Don't play dumb," Cat rolled her eyes. "You fucking broke Demetri's arm."

Hawk scoffed.

"Don't scoff at me."

"I'll do what I want," Hawk said. "And why do you even fucking care? He's a fucking nerd."

"So were you," Cat poked his chest. "So am I. You going to try to break my arm too?"

"I wouldn't do that to you, Cat," Hawk said. "Why would I break a girl's arm?"

"Yeah, well, do you think it makes you a man to break his arm? Or that you wouldn't 'break a girl's arm'? Cause it doesn't."

Hawk rolled his eyes.

"You know what? Don't fucking talk to me if you're going to be an asshole. I don't talk to assholes, jerks, or bullies. And last I checked you've been all three lately."

Cat turned to walk away, but Hawk grabbed her arm. "Cat."

"Don't fucking touch me," Cat pulled her arm away and punched him, sending him back. Some of the random cobras who were there and watching walked toward her ready to fight her. She easily just swept their legs out from under them and left.

It had been about a week since Cat confronted Hawk. Hawk had tried to talk to Cat, but she just ignored him. She had talked to Tory over the phone and at work. Tory told her that Hawk was sorry and wanted to talk to her.

For Hawk the last week was like hell. He hated that Cat was mad at him. He hated that she was ignoring him and refusing to talk to him. He had already hated himself for what he did to Demetri, but he had been under so much pressure. If he could just explain that to her he knew she would understand. He couldn't stand that one of the most important people in his life wouldn't even talk to him. She even blocked his number and all his socials.


While at the store, Cat happened to walk past the hair dye. She ended up grabbing something. There was like one color, so she didn't have many options. She figured since she was upset with Eli, why match him? After grabbing a couple of other things she came there for, she had paid and went home. She put away her groceries and grabbed the hair dye before heading to the bathroom.

(877 words. Whatcha think?)

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