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Cat left work and made her way back to her apartment. Once home, she showered because she was sweaty from working in a kitchen and because an angry customer took their anger out on her by pouring their soup over her head in the last 5 minutes of her shift. She was thiiiiiis close to quitting, but she needs the money.

Once she got out of the shower, changed, and got ready to go to the Miyagi-fang dojo. She had plans to hang out with Eli and Demetri once they were finished with karate. She packed some stuff in a bag just in case she ends up staying the night.

Cat kicked up her board as she walked up to the dojo

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Cat kicked up her board as she walked up to the dojo. She scrolled social media as she leaned against Eli's car, yes he has a car and a motorcycle. She was just going to wait there for practice to end. She didn't have to wait long before students started to leave.

Cat turned off her phone as she saw Eli, Demetri, Sam, and Miguel walk out from the back talking. "Hey, guys," Cat greeted as she walked over.

"Hey, Cat," they greeted back.

"How was practice?"

"It was kinda confusing," Miguel said. "They both kept saying conflicting things."

"As usual," Cat muttered.

"Still learned stuff tho."

"Yeah, they're getting better," Sam said. "Kinda anyway."

Cat nodded. "They just need to learn to work together better. I can tell they're working on it."

Daniel and Johnny were talking about something when they walked up to the front. They looked over at the group as they saw Cat.

"Cattrina, can we talk to you about something?" Daniel asked.

"Uh, sure?" Cat said unsure as she walked away from her friends and over to the two men. "What's up?"

"We have an offer for you," Johnny said.

"Which is?" Cat asked.

"Well, we've noticed that you've been helpful at times," Daniel said. "Sam has mentioned that you've given some pointers at times when Johnny and I weren't there to do so."

"So had Miguel," Johnny added.

"And you're more experienced than the students."

"Where is this going?" Cat asked.

"Would you consider being an assistant sensei for the dojo?" Daniel asked.

"Which dojo are we talking about exactly?" Cat asked.

"Both dojos," Johnny said. "Both Eagle Fang and Miyagi-do."

"So you both want me to be an assistant sensei for Miyagi-Fang?"

"Yes," both men said.

"Sure," Cat shrugged. "But I do work like 4 jobs, so I'm not always going to be able to be here. I mean I usually work either early mornings or late nights, so it's not like I'm too busy during most days, but still."

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