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"Want the usual?" the barista asked as Cat walked into a coffee shop

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"Want the usual?" the barista asked as Cat walked into a coffee shop. She nodded and signed a please and thank you. She gave him a 10 as he started the drink, before making her way to her usual corner seat. The drink was about 5-6 dollars and the rest was tip.

She pulled out her computer and homework. The wifi in her apartment was down. Not just her apartment, it was the whole building. This happened every couple of weeks, so it was normal for her to come to this coffee shop, which was only like an 8-minute walk from her apartment. It was also open 24/7.

She knew most of the baristas, they all knew her drink order. It's pretty much always the same. She always tried to tip well because she knows how it is to work jobs like this. She works multiple jobs, but she always wants to help other people, and she's got the spending money to tip. Especially since she's constantly using the free wifi.

She was working on a school assignment when someone came from the back. The person who made Cat's drink asked the other person to bring the drink to her. She could hear footsteps approaching her.

"Mocha cookie crumble frappuccino with 4 shots of espresso-" a familiar voice said. "Wait, Kitty?"

"Huh," Cat looked up to see Tory. She signed, 'Hey, Tory. I didn't know you worked here.'

"Yeah, I just started here like last week," Tory said.

"Oh," Cat nodded.

"Oh, here's your drink," Tory set the table.

'Thanks,' Cat signed.

"I have a break in like 20 if you wanna hang out?"

Cat nodded and smiled up at Tory.

"Cool. Well, I have to get back to work," Tory said before walking off.

Cat watched as Tory walked off. She turned back to her computer and sipped on her drink as she continued working on homework. She did multiple assignments for like 5 different classes. Eventually, someone sat across from her. She quickly finished the assignment she was working on and looked up to see Tory.

"So what are you working on anyway, Kitty?" Tory asked.

'School," Cat signed.

Tory nodded. "Oh, I know we work together tomorrow, but I might be late. I have to bring my brother to a doctor's appointment."

Cat nodded. 'Okay. No worries, Tor."

The two girls talked. They talked about life, work, school, and other random things. Eventually Tory had to get back to work, so Cat went back to doing some school things. By the time she was heading home, it was really dark out. Tory actually gave her a ride home.

She had gotten her homework for the next two weeks done. Since she had the time, she figured she'd just get it done. She usually doesn't get much free time, so if she could get all of her homework done she'd be able to relax a bit more.

(492 words. What do you think? I hope it was good.)

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