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Cat was over at Eli's house

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Cat was over at Eli's house. He wanted to change the color of his hair, so she got the new color, red, and went to his house. They were in his bathroom, and she was putting hair color remover in his hair to take out the blue. After letting it sit in his hair for as long as it needed they washed it out. Cat then put the red hair dye in Eli's hair.

While waiting until it was time to wash the dye off his hair, Eli talked about karate. He told Cat about how sensei had them go inside a cement mixer and make it turn. He told her about the festival where Miyagi-do did a performance and how Cobra Kai found out about it and also did a performance. He told her how kickass the performance Cobra Kai did. He also mentioned something about a new sensei, aka sensei Kreese.

Eventually, Eli went to wash his hair. Cat just sat on his bed on her phone while waiting for him. When done, he had come out of his bathroom shirtless.

"You should also change the color of your hair," Eli said. "Ya know since we have plenty left."

Cat looked up at him. "I guess I could," she shrugged.

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Cat paid rent a couple of days ago and now she has some spending money left

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Cat paid rent a couple of days ago and now she has some spending money left. She decided to go to the mall. There were a couple of stores that she wanted to go to including Hot Topic and the comic book shop. She got ready and put on her shoes before heading out of the building and down the sidewalk.

Eventually, she arrived at the mall. She went to Hot Topic first. She bought a couple of things. Like some nightmare before Christmas thing, some panic at the disco thing, some random Disney thing, and other random fandom things.

She left Hot Topic and hit a couple of other random shops. Then she got kinda thirsty, so she went to the food court and got a smoothie. She saw Robby and Sam and waved to them as she went past. They waved back.

She was walking down the hall of the mall on her way to the comic book shop. There should be a new comic of one of the series that she and Demetri read. She had her bags of the stuff she bought in one hand, her smoothie in the other, and she had on headphones.

She was getting closer to the comic book shop when she saw Demetri running down the hall in her direction. Then she saw Eli behind him, also running. Then somehow she ended up in between them. The two boys kept going side to side like when someone's chasing you and you get on one side of a table and they're on the other side. She couldn't hear what they were saying because of her headphones, but Eli seemed to be angry at Demetri. Eventually, Demetri took off down the hall again and Eli ran around Cat and kept chasing him.

Cat wasn't sure if she should do something or not. She was very confused about what was going on.


After finishing with her shopping, she decided to grab something from the food court before heading home. As she arrived at the food court she saw some of the cobras leaving. She didn't know they were there. Then she saw Eli, who looked upset, holding part of his face.

She walked over to him and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "What!?" He asks irritatedly before turning around and seeing it was Cat. "Oh, sorry, Cat. I didn't know it was you."

'It's fine,' Cat signed. 'You okay?' She pointed to his face where a bruise was slowly starting to form.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Cat nodded. 'K.'

"So what're you doing here anyway?" Hawk asked.

'Shopping. Actually, I just finished, and was going to grab food and head home.'

Eli nodded.


"I had to deal with something with Demetri. Knew I'd find him at the comic shop. He's such a fucking nerd."

Cat raised her eyebrow and held up her bag from the comic shop.

"I mean, ya know the other stuff he does too."

Cat rolled her eyes a little, but it was more playful than not. 'Do I want to know more details about this thing you had to "deal with"?'

"It's nothing to worry about."

'You sure, Eli?'

"Yeah, Cat," He nodded. "So, uh. What were you going to get?" He said, trying to change the subject.

Cat shrugged.

"Haven't decided, huh?"

Cat shook her head.

"Get anything you want, I'll buy it for you."

'You sure? You don't have to do that.'

"I'm sure," he smile-smirked at her. "Just tell me what you want and I'll go grab it for you."

"K. Let me think."

(813 words. Whatcha think?)

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