
In the morning, I wake up fully clothed on top of my bed – not the best way to start the day. I shower, get myself ready for college and then make my way in.

"Holly!" I hear Carly hollering. "Wait up, you're walking too fast!" she pants, speeding up behind me. I stop and wait for her to catch up. My brain is cloudy, and I blame the poor quality of sleep, rather than the boy I can't stop thinking about.

"Howdy! Are you coming to James's later then?" She asks, meeting my walking pace.

I groan. "Not you too! I'm not sure... are you going?"

"Of course! There's nothing else to do on a Friday, and James is pretty cute!" She says, then giggles. I smile.

"Well, if you're going, I'll come. I can be your 'wing woman'." I joke. She rolls her eyes "you'll be too busy with that skater dude, no?"

"Nah, we're just mates." I look away, afraid of giving away my true intentions. I pull a cigarette out my bag and light it.

"So, what, you're a smoker now...?" She asks, a little sarcastically.

I groan and shrug my shoulders. "Yeah, so? I like it."

Carly is quick to appease me. "Not judging mate! Just asking... didn't expect that from you."

"Well, I like to think I have some surprises." I jest, winking at her.

"Dick." She retorts, and I laugh loudly.

When we meet Leila at the gates, she immediately asks whether we're both coming to the party. When I roll my eyes and nod my head in defeat, she shrieks.

"Yes! This is gonna be so much fun!"

"My mum and dad are picking me up though, so I won't be out too late."

"That's fine - maybe they can bring the three of us home?" She asks.

"I don't see why not..."


Back home after college, I sit at my desk listening to Paramore and agonise over what to wear to a party, that's not a party, but is a party. My phone beeps and my stomach flips. I pull my phone into focus to see a message from Ben.


Confused, I reply:

So, what?

God you're annoying. Are you coming?

I giggle.

I might be.

I know I'm unlikely to get a reply, so I set my phone down and resolve to find an outfit. Opting for comfort, yet again, I wear my skinny black jeans. This time I choose to pair them with a cropped vest top and a loose fitting open plaid shirt. With my Dr Marten boots, the vibe is a little grunge, so I add some additional layers of mascara and winged eyeliner for some added drama. I also decide to pull my hair up into a messy bun but let a few tendrils loose around my face.

After agreeing a time and place to meet with mum and dad, I wave them off at the door. The girls arrive soon after and we head into the kitchen to have a few pre-drinks and speculate about the party.

"So, you're really not into Pete?" Leila asks, pouring herself a glass of diet coke. She pulls a small bottle of rum out of her bag and tips a little in before offering to me and Carly. I accept and pass my cup towards her to add some.

"Look, he's really nice but we're not into each other like that..."

"He told Mark he's into you!" she exclaims, taking a sip and grimacing.

[Complete] Noise and Kisses {chicklit}Where stories live. Discover now