"You're already looking the part as a skater wife," he jokes, his eyes fixed into the distance.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, surprised by his appearance.

"I just thought I'd pop by, check in on my boys. It got a little messy last night." He still doesn't turn to face me, which sets me on edge.

"Too many drinks?"

"Mmm... something like that." His failure to elaborate irritates me.

"So, what happened?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He replies, seemingly annoyed.

"Why do you dodge so many questions?"

He laughs and stretches his legs out.

"We had a few too many and got into a bit of an argument." He admits, shifting in his seat.

I can't help but ask another question. "What about?"

He ignores my question and pulls out his cigarette.

"So, are you mates again?"

He lights up and groans. "Fucking hell. I dunno? I guess so." He runs his fingers through his hair and stands.

"Gonna go and say hello to Pete - enjoy your Kid Laroi."

His words dance heavily around my head, and I watch as he gains Pete's attention. I can't hear their conversation, but it looks pretty heated. Before long, they seem to have made up and Pete passes over his skateboard for Ben to use, then walks back to me, red faced and glistening with sweat. He takes a seat and begins to chug the now cold coffee.

"You were great!" My voice sounds overly enthusiastic, and he laughs.

"Thanks! I hope I didn't bore you."

"Not at all - I enjoyed it. Plus, I got to listen to my music at the same time, so win-win."

He laughs again but moves his eyes over to the banks. I follow his direction to see Ben meandering through the obstacles. He looks so relaxed as he rides up and down, cresting the edge of fun boxes. He's not as skilled as Pete, but he's definitely more of an enigma to watch. My eyes stay glued to his movements, and I soon realise I've ignored everything Pete's said.

"Sorry Pete, say that again" I reply, removing my focus from Ben.

"I was just saying I really enjoyed getting to know you on Friday. We should hang out together again soon." I nod but don't say anything. I'm not sure how I feel about him yet, and spending too much time together would only confuse the situation.

He offers me another cigarette and I politely accept. We sit and talk about music for a while, and he critiques my choices. We giggle a lot and I feel him relax his arm around the bench. As I glance over to the run, I notice Ben staring at us. His eyes have this overwhelming power over me, and I can't help but feel exposed.

Leila and Mark arrive back from their excursion, with swollen lips and blushing cheeks that cause me to smirk.

"Where have you guys been?" I ask, trying not to make it obvious that I know something has been going on.

"We... err... took a walk around the woods. Did you know there's a lake here?" Leila fumbles her words and looks flustered. I smile gently to try and set her at ease.

"I remember visiting it as a kid - I think it's more of a pond, but I remember it was beautiful."

Leila smiles and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear as Mark squeezes her in a half-hug. It's cute.

[Complete] Noise and Kisses {chicklit}Where stories live. Discover now