Chapter 44. Powerful [Day and Night Cycle].

Start from the beginning

Yasenia lowered her sword, aiming at the ranged cultivators, and an enormous sword-like beam was fired from her sword! The phantom sun also fired a circular beam. These two beams combined and disintegrated most of the ranged fighters! Only half of the cultivators remained alive!

Her tone was still imposing as her chant continued. "The sun starts falling and [Sunset] arrives!"

Yasenia charged towards the remaining ranged cultivators. They tried to dodge her or attack her, but Yasenia ignored the attacks tanking them with her [Celestial coat]. With the use of [Sunset]'s explosive falling strikes, she blew up all the ranged cultivators into fleshy bits very quickly.

The phantom sky began to darken again and Yasenia's voice rumbled across her entire domain. "With the end of [Dusk], night arrives again!"

Yasenia swung her sword horizontally once towards the melee cultivators that gathered to do their last stance. A destructive crescent of sun and moon energies loomed over the cultivators. All of them used defensive skills and managed to barely block the attack even when they are more than fifty cultivators!

Yasenia used her empowered body and jumped upwards above the melee cultivators. All of them gathered their energies preparing for her last attack!

While she was airborne, Yasenia made a circle below her with the tip of her sword creating a silver circle. She looked down with her now glowing silver eyes and roared, "MY ENEMIES LIVES END WITH [MIDNIGHT]!"

Yasenia started falling down sword first aiming at the center of that circle. All of the cultivators' skills shot towards her. Yasenia opened her charming lips one last time, her voice sounded like an enchanting whisper yet reaching everywhere inside the area. "[Falling sky]"

All the stars that gathered during the day cycle fell like rain destroying almost all their attacks and prepared defenses. When Yasenia passed the circle sword first, a silver radiance exploded and her speed increased several-fold like a falling silver meteor!

Her sword carried the weight of the Moon to the earth and... *BBOOOOOOM!!! * A giant silver explosion consumed everything around Yasenia's falling spot annihilating the remaining people and leaving no one alive!

Angel and the others looked at all of these events completely wide-eyed. Evelyn stuttered, "D-Didn't the last attack carry almost Unification realm cultivator strength!?"

The others swallowed their dry saliva. They went near the battlefield and took a deep breath Gustav said, "I-Is Yasenia truly a Body Modification cultivator? This crater has at least 30 meters of depth!"

Angel jumped inside the crater and went towards the middle. She saw a completely naked Yasenia standing with her sword buried in the cloud ground and still holding it. Angel was happy that she was unharmed.

Angel was about to speak when *RRIIIIIPPP* Yasenia's skin split open everywhere, even on her tail and blood exploded from her wounds. Then, she fell forward. Angel shouted scared, "YASENIA!".

Although she is extremely powerful in this form, these attacks aren't something a Body Modification realm should be able to do.

The aftershock of the [Midnight] attack empowered by her [Celestial coat] and her [Day and night cycle] was enormous. Her body couldn't withstand its aftereffects and energy, so her skin and scales ripped open.

After seeing that waterfall of blood all of them were completely frightened. Angel wanted to give her healing salves but Evelyn said with a trembling voice, "That isn't enough. Even if her blood regeneration is fast at this pace she will die of bloodloss before the pills heal her."

Angel despaired. Cecile suddenly remembered the unknown pill and took out the text that came out with it to read it. The text said, "The woman will be reborn, her skin immaculate, her Yin energy multiplied and body regeneration increased to maintain her body in perfect conditions. Her scent will be tantalizing and she won't need to eat because her body will feed on the pure energy of the world. Her body will never become muscular, and her womanly charms will increase. However, her physical strength will still increase."

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