That should really be your favorite, Lisa. If only you know that it's the only song I wrote in the album. And that's about you. For you.

"That's my favorite, too." I said and smiled at her. Our eyes couldn't lie. We know that we want to hug each other right now.

And more than that, I want to pull her shirt closer to me and kiss her.

She stood up and said goodbye. I don't want to let go of her smile. I want to stare at her 24/7. I still kept looking at her while she's walking away.

I noticed that she saw what I wrote on the album and she's surprised. She has been my fan and she knows that I never wrote a dedication whenever I sign albums or any other merch  in the past. Just my signature on it.

She looked back and I gestured that she must check her phone.

J: Can I see you tonight at my place?

I can't take it anymore. I want to be with her.

She responded right away.

L: Are you sure?

I want to hug you, Lisa!

J: Yes. I'll be done by three here. I'll cook for you. Hope to see you if you're not busy.

L: I'll be there, Ms. Kim. Take care on your way home later.

I cooked her favorite steamed fish. I also charcoal grilled the steak like how she wants it. My mashed potato goes well with our food tonight. I also soaked the bottle of wine in an ice bucket.

After I took a bath and wore my comfy night clothes, I heard the doorbell. I actually registered her fingerprint on my door before but I know she won't just come in that anytime when she had all the chance while we're not talking.

And if only you can see how hot she is in a white shirt with her jacket hanging around her arm. The shirt she's wearing is actually from my merchandise collection. How cute!

"Uhm. I just want to take this chance if you can sign my shirt, Ms. Kim?" Lisa made me chuckle. Her jokes really know when to kick in.

"Come in! Let's take that off." Oops! Sorry. Bad joke. I saw how Lisa's eyes turned big.

"Kidding! You want me to sign it so you must take it off. How can I write my name there properly?" I kept teasing her when we approached my balcony where I set our dinner.

I don't know why everything feels so light and right. We came from a not so "break up" break up. But we both get this sudden affection and just forget what happened to us two months ago.

As we take our dinner, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She is really so good-looking.She noticed it.

"Hmm. Why?" She asked curiously.

"I just really find your birthmark on your arm really beautiful." I said.

"Jen, I lied when I told you it's a birthmark. It's actually a mark left when my parents died. When our car crashed, my Mom immediately pushed me hard to the gutter before the explosion. The fire reached my arm and this is it. I wasn't just ready to tell you before because even until now, it pains me thinking that there's no chance for me to ever see them again." She said.

"It's ok. I just don't want lies from now on anymore, Lisa. Can you promise me that?" I said and she agreed.

"Have you forgiven me, Jen?" How can I not forgive you when you are this soft to me, Lisa?

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