When we arrive at the bus stop, Carly is already waiting for us, looking fantastic in a pair of high waisted shorts, striped t-shirt and blazer. It screams sailor girl and I love it. We huddle together in the crisp night air and discuss the possibilities of the night ahead. Kelly, Sarah, and Molly jumped at the chance to go to a party and promised to meet us on the bus.

When we get on, the girls have made themselves at home on the upper deck. "Pre-drinks!" shouts Molly, brandishing a nondescript blue carrier bag. She pulls out cans of fruit cider and passes them around. I immediately open mine and start sipping on the cold, sweet fizz, hopeful for the liquid courage I need to get there.

"I hope this guy and this party is worth our time, Leila." Sarah says, her patronising tone causing Leila to roll her eyes.

"Look! He's fit, alright?! And you know he's got mates coming, so you'll be thanking me later when we're surrounded by hot men... Trust me!" Leila replies.

My first and only real boyfriend, Seb, and I broke up before I moved back to Hertfordshire. He was tall and lean, with long, messy brown hair and shimmering blue eyes. We'd met at college and bonded over our shared love of movies and music. His deep, warm laugh had always made my stomach flip. We were together for around six months but had never really got serious. When I told him I was leaving, it just made sense not to try and continue with a long-distance relationship.

When we arrive in Barnet, the six of us make our way to the party. Cresting the corner of Faulkland Road, the house is immediately recognisable by the number of teenagers spilling out onto the streets.

As soon as we walk in, Leila makes her way over to a tall, lean man with a shaven head and big brown eyes. I didn't recognise him, but from her description earlier that day, instantly know that it's Mark. The rest of us stand nervously in the hallway and watch as she confidently talks to him. With each space littered with unfamiliar faces, my anxiety starts to creep in again. Leila gestures over to our group, and he nods, signalling his acceptance and approval, and gives us all a friendly wave.

A few seconds later, he turns to talk to a small group of guys to his left. My cheeks flame as they look over and grin. As the tallest of the group lifts his head, a mess of wild curly hair falling out the sides of his hoody and my heart rate begin to quicken. His intense green eyes meet mine and I feel frozen in place, unable to look away. He smirks in our general direction and casually walks away. Trying to quell the creeping anxiety and the newly formed butterflies circling in my stomach, I turn to talk to the girls and will myself to forget the beautiful, brooding man.

Leila beckons us into the kitchen to officially meet Mark and grab ourselves a drink. He kindly introduces himself and, in my desperation, I awkwardly wave and reach in for the liquor, desperate for the soothing release of more alcohol. Unable to find something I'd normally choose to drink; I opt for whisky. As I swallow the unpleasant golden liquid, the warmth spreads down my throat and I begin to cough.

A deep, unassuming laugh echoes from behind me, turning my insides to liquid. I turn to see the dark-haired stranger from before. Up close, his bright emerald, green eyes are more piercing, and even more intimidating than before.

"Easy tiger" he says, gently patting me on the back. His deep, mysterious voice and radiating touch sends my heart racing and a shiver rushing down my spine.

"Thanks... I'm Holly" I say, the harsh liquid making my voice a little hoarse.

He nods in approval. "Ben."

Without another word, he leans in close, reaches his arm around me and grabs onto the bottle. He pours the whisky into the plastic cup in his hand and when it reaches halfway, he raises it in a cheers motion and leaves. My skin ablaze from his touch, I try to pull myself together.

A couple of hours later and a few more drinks in, I make my way outside for some fresh air. The dark street is punctuated by the glow of the streetlamps, and though the cold. does a great job of waking me up, it also makes me a little unsteady on my feet.

I lean against the wall for support, taking in a few deep breaths to try and quell the alcohol swirling inside me. I pause as the door opens and a tall, dark figure exits the house, looking a little unsteady himself. I watch as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Placing one casually in the side of his mouth, he turns and almost jumps at the sight of me. "Fuck!" He curses, reeling backwards.

"Sorry!" I apologise, raising my arms in defence.

He squints and half smiles in my direction. "... Holly, right?" He asks, pointing his lighter at me.

"Right. And you're Ben?" I ask, pulling away from the wall. He nods and shakes his pack of cigarettes in my direction.

"Want one?" My immediate reaction is to say no, but for fear of killing the moment, I nod. "Sure - thanks."

He smiles as I reach into the packet, bringing the slender white stick to my lips. He holds the lighter towards me in one hand and cups the flame with the other. I'd tried it a few times before, but never really taken to it. But, since this was the first one offered by a beautiful stranger, it was difficult to say no. Leaning into the flame, I inhale the smoke and try not to splutter.

"So, you're friends with Mark?" He questions as he takes a long, slow drag on his cigarette. His deep voice is sexy as hell and it tangles around me, making the hairs on my neck stand to attention.

"My friend Leila knows him." I respond. I inhale the cigarette again and relish the harsh heat that hits the back of my throat. He smiles.

"I've heard about Leila - I think Marky might have a bit of a crush on her..." he admits, perching on the gate and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is that so?" I ask inquisitively. My heart is still pounding out of my chest and I'm not sure if it's the cigarette, the booze or the man that's causing it.

"Mmm..." he replies, "maybe you'll be seeing a lot more of us..." he adds, casually.

I smirk, "You never know..."

He drops his cigarette onto the floor and makes his way back inside. Over his shoulder, he says, "Catch you later".

I say nothing, but stand there for a few minutes after he leaves, replaying his deep London accent in my head. I take another drag on the cigarette and decide to head back in for one more drink.

Walking into the kitchen, I notice Ben, leaning one shoulder against the wall and talking to a tall, skinny blonde. She seems pretty intoxicated, and he looks pretty pleased with himself. With a sudden sinking feeling in my chest, I tear my eyes away and curse myself for having such a strong reaction - I don't even know him.

Feeling a little deflated, I settle on another shot of whisky, which goes down a lot easier than the first. I pull out my phone to check the time and notice that it's time for us to leave, so I go searching for the girls. Groaning, Leila peels herself away from Mark, who looks comfortable with his arm slung heavily around her shoulders. We thank him for a lovely night and try to find the rest of our clan. Molly, who peaked too soon, is being propped up by Sarah and Carly, who look to relieved to hear we're leaving. Kelly is chatting to a couple of people from college but is happy to make a move. Ready and willing, and we make our way into the night. "Urgh" moans Molly, as she sways towards the high street.

We make it to the bus stop and I'm thankful when the bus arrives just minutes later. We take the stairs to the upper deck, and I grab a seat in the middle, next to the window. As the bus pulls away, I notice Ben cresting the road, walking with the blonde girl I saw him with earlier. He looks up and his eyes momentarily lock with mine. He smirks again and I feel a bolt of electricity run through me.

Intoxicated by this new stranger, I nudge Sarah and ask, "hey, did you get a chance to meet Mark's mate, Ben, tonight?"

"Oh, I know Ben - he's in my business class." interrupts Kelly, spinning to face me.

"He goes to our college?" I'm surprised that I've never noticed him before and question whether it's the same guy. He looks older than us. She nods and turns around.

I silently make a pact with myself right then andthere, to attend college a lot more.

[Complete] Noise and Kisses {chicklit}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt