[ Chapter 92 : It Was Her ]

Start from the beginning

" Please work " I hear her mutter.

She turns her palm and face towards the door, I see the door caught on fire and the flames just devour the wood on how hot it is. I notice Rowena is struggling a little and I tense up to see the other side while the door is turning into ashes, my eyes widened to see Hayden holding Esmé in his arms and his finger facing forward with a shield around them. My blood boils to see Malia standing there using shards from all the glass in the room to attack Hayden's shield, a few of the shards already penetrate the shield but not all the way through.

Once half of the door is already burnt I didn't wait and just walk into my room.

" Y/n wait! " I hear Laurence call out.

" Malia " I said and reach for my axe the rack on the wall by the fireplace.

She turns her face to me and show her pitch black eyes while some of the vein on her face has turned black and visible around her temple.

" Your not stopping me Y/n " her voice is distorted as she smirks.

" I trusted you " I said as I see the rotten flesh on her wrist that I saw this morning.

So I wasn't wrong after all

" I have to admit, your one of a kind Y/n, I tried in the past but I didn't expect a country girl like you would be so difficult to get rid of but easy to use " she said.

" What's that supposed to mean? " I asked as I grip the handle oft axe.

" I told Talia you were the one who tried to assassinate her " she said

" That was how you got Talia to poison herself just to frame me, she died in the end because of it " I gritted my teeth as she smiles.

" Without you I couldn't have gotten rid of my enemy, and your daughter is next " she laughs.

I run towards her as she turns all the shards of the glass towards me, one by one it flew and I simply dodge even in this dress, I leap as I scream at her. Swinging my axe down her eyes widened, as I strike down my blade meets the floor while her laugh cackles and echoes throughout the room, seeing moths disperse and fly out of the room, it tells me how I missed her, I stood up and take my axe out from the floor.

" I'll be at the old cathedral of the city, you have twelve hours left Y/n! "

I look around frantically to search for her but she's nowhere to be found, it didn't matter anymore and I turn to Hayden who lowered his shield and his arm dropped from exhaustion.

" Hayden! " I rush to him as he holds Esmé.

" She's alright " he pants and pass her to me.

I see she's unharmed but my focus turns back to him.

" Are you alright? " I hold his shoulder and he nods.

" Yeah " he catches his breath as he lean back on his wheelchair.

" Father! " Laurence rushes in as soon as I see Rowena destroyed the door and some of the burnt flame residue left on the walls.

" I'm okay, Laurence " Hayden said and cough a little from exhaustion.

" Annette fetch his medicine and look for my mother! " Laurence said.

" Yeshua have the others search through the entire property and see if there's any sign of Malia " Declan said.

" Faris stay with Y/n, I'll send a letter to Derek "

~ Time Skip ~

Two hours passed.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now