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Havoc ensued as civilians screamed and panicked, their faith in the heroes gone, as they can no longer tell who is on their side. The parents of both Katsuki and Tokoyami sobbed as they watched the live television, anguished as they watched their babies turn into monsters. Ruthlessly devouring 13, despite her lack of physical form.

Then, the kids turned monsters and the beings that turned them into such, were sent back into society. Immediately, All Might was the first to the scene, in hopes of coaxing the boys back to their former selves. "Young Bakugo! Young Tokoyami!" All Might screamed in order to gain their attention. This was effective but prompted another observer into acting.

Jumping down in front of All Might, Akaza stared at him with a crazed grin. "I'll enjoy tearing you down, All Might," he said as he wheeled his arm back. Quickly All Might cross his arms, in an "X" shape, in hopes of stopping the blow. But, unlike their last encounter, Akaza refused to hold back. The blow sent All Might flying through buildings, earning loud screams from the spectators nearby.

Akaza quickly ran after All Might, vanishing from his spot. Doma snickered as he slowly walked out, with his fans splayed out. "Finally, I've been waiting for this moment," he said with a fax innocent smile as he held up a fan. With a swing of his arm, ice covered the ground, freezing the humans in place. "Fetch" he ordered as he pointed toward the stuck humans, trying in vain to break free of his ability.

On command, both Katsuki and Tokoyami ran past him, too absorbed in the need to devour to give empathy to their victims. While they were having fun creating carnage in the city, Dabi purposefully headed to Endevor's agency, in hopes of running into him. Next to him was his new father, there to support him and his decision to cut off his biological father.

Soon, driven by pure luck, Dabi spotted Endeavor, with a large grin, a blaze of blue flew toward's the hero's way. "Gah!!" Endeavor cried in pain, having not expected the surprise attack, slightly surprised that the fire burned him. After all, he was the embodiment of fire. "It's disappointing that you will not get your day of reckoning, but this day will still be just as enjoyable," Dabi said as he walked out from the shadows.

"Who are you?" Endeavor gasped, shakily looking up at his attacker. "Forgot me already, old man? You'd think you'd recognize me since you love to stare at my childhood picture frame every day" Dabi taunted with a creepy smile. He will prove to Endeavor, that he is no longer weak, and that he no longer needs him to be his father. Rengoku watched from around the corner, prepared to step in if Dabi ever needed it.

Dabi wasn't the only one on a mission, as (Y/n) made her way to the school. At the gates stood her homeroom teacher, his Quirk activated, in hopes of stopping her. "Why are you doing this?" Aizawa asked with a pointed glare, (Y/n) hummed, debating on the answer. "Simple really, I'm following my father's whims. Although I'll admit, I did want to be a hero at first, but I soon come to find that's not my purpose" she answered honestly.

"It's a shame, I figured you'd be a great hero, instead I'm ashamed to see you've become a villain," Aizawa said with a disappointed frown. "They trusted you, and you became friends with them, all for what? To inevitably kill us all off or turn us into freaks?" He asked through clenched teeth. "They're not freaks!" (Y/n) growled as she glared at him, offended that he insulted her family and the people she genuinely connected with.

Her anger swiftly turn into amusement as she started to chuckle, confusing her teacher. "You will soon understand, this world isn't meant for you humans" (Y/n) said confidently as she unsheathed her sword. "You can deactivate your Quirk, it will not work on me. All you are doing is deactivating my heightened sense of smell" she informed as she pointed her sword at him.

"What are you talking about?" Aizawa asked, refusing to drop his Quirk, believing it was just a bluff. "You haven't figured it out, have you? My Quirk doesn't involve weapons. I'm an enhancer, as my nose can smell emotions and movement. Not like I will need it to end your life" (Y/n) said confidently.

Aizawa didn't get the opportunity to question further as she vanished from her spot. Slowly, he turned to look at the girl behind him. His eyes were able to catch her movement, barely able to comprehend that she ran past him at extreme speed. "Goodbye, Sensei" (Y/n) said as she sheathed her sword, turning away as she heard his body flop to the ground. A necessary sacrifice to the start of the new civilization she and her family will build.


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