S2 E8

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"YEAH! GET 'EM LITTLE SIS! KICK THEIR ASS TO THE GROUND! CUT THEIR HEAD OFF!!" Akaza cheered loudly while pumping his fist up and down. During his loud cheering, he had accidentally broken the table he had used as a footstool, which annoyed Shigaraki greatly. "Could you keep it down? It wasn't that impressive" Shigaraki sneered, only to get a dark glare from Akaza.

"Want to say that again, human?" Akaza asked in a dark tone, as a shadow covered his eyes. "You heard what I said, demon" Shigaraki hissed out, ready to brawl. "Enough, Shigaraki, you can not win this fight, Akaza, do not threaten my master" Kurogiri scolded, trying his best to ease the bloodlust in the room.

"Shoto Todoroki is out of commission! (Y/n) advances to the next round!!" The TV announced, causing Akaza to snap his head in its direction. Instantly, the bloodlust vanished into a happy aura as Akaza visibly brightened at the news. The screen showed the devastation of the wreckage, the platform exploded by the massive explosion. But, at a closer inspection, they can spot ice shards and large slice marks, as (Y/n) stood over Shoto's unconscious body.

Soon after, the TV went on a commercial break, most likely to clean up the mess the two made. "Ha! I obviously trained her well! She won by a landslide!" Akaza boasted, with his nose raised high. But, deep down, he is fanboying like a little girl, wanting to squeal out how proud he is of her victory. "I'm heading to my room..." Shigaraki muttered, no longer wanting to stick around the annoying demon.

Just as he left, the ad had finished, seemingly starting the next match. Akaza sat back down on the chair, looking completely uninterested. "Kamanari vs Shiozaki" illuminated on the screen, along with the picture of themselves, just as fast as it began it was over. Overall, it was a massive disappointment, as Kaminari's attack had done nothing, and got immobilized by the ex-assassin.


(Y/n) looked on with a blank look, unsure how she should feel about the fast match. "Guess he was right, that match really was over in just two seconds! I wonder if his real Quirk is the ability to tell the future. Hey, isn't Class 1-A supposed to be so much better than us?" Monoma mocked with a creepy laugh. "Wait... Who are you again?" (Y/n) questioned, which earned a shocked look from Monoma.

"Don't play coy with me! I am the great Mono- Agh-" before Monoma could continue to spout nonsense, he was knocked out by another student. "Sorry about him" Kendo apologized while staring at (Y/n), despite the fact that Monoma was mocking the whole class. "No hard feelings" (Y/n) dismissed, while the rest of her classmates sweatdropped, internally agreeing that they hate Monoma.

Unlike everyone else, Izuku was muttering nonsense, which the others, who sat around him, caught on to. Now, here comes the joy of sitting next to Katsuki, who gets easily irritated. "Midoriya, do you mind?" (Y/n) asked, right before Katsuki could get a chance to blow up, literally and metaphorically, right next to her.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Sometimes I don't realize I'm talking out loud when I'm taking notes! I hope I didn't bother you" Izuku said nervously. "It's fine, just take it down a notch or two" (Y/n) suggested while pointing her thumb at Katsuki, who is glaring daggers at him. "R-Right!" Izuku squeaked, quickly turning away from her.

"Oh, right, hey (Y/n), have you seen a notebook anywhere? I accidentally left it in class yesterday and haven't seen it since" Izuku said with a nervous look. "Not a clue, what was in it?" (Y/n) asked with a tilt of her head, to indicate her confusion and lack of intel. "Well... You see... It had notes on everyone in our class and from other heroes, I watch" Izuku admitted while playing with his thumbs.

"Hopefully you find it before someone else does" (Y/n) said as she looked towards the stadium. "Alrighty, folks! Time for the Fourth Match!" President Mic announced, interrupting their conversation. Next up were Tenya and Hatsume, now what confused them was the strange backpack on Tenya's back. Somehow, he was allowed to use the strange contraption for... Reasons unknown.

When the Fourth Match started, it got even stranger, as Hatsume started talking through the speakers. (Y/n) sweatdropped as she realized Hatsume was promoting her equipment. Anytime Tenya got close to her, she just used her support course materials to evade his attacks. Though she will admit, it was a bit impressive how easily she avoided every attack, making Tenya look like a fool.

~10 Minutes Later~

Finally, after a long and boring fight, Hatsume had stepped out of the ring, leaving Tenya to win by default. (Y/n) had splayed herself across the chairs, looking like she is asleep. In reality, she is contemplating her life choices, wanting to die internally from how bored she is. "Let's move right on to the fifth match!" President Mic announced, that as now it was Ashido vs Sero, hopefully, they will bring a better match.

"Don't show any mercy Sero!! Fight like you're in one of those video games where everyone's clothes get beaten off!!" Mineta yelled out passionately. Suddenly, his head was smacked downwards, courtesy of (Y/n)'s doing, who looked extremely annoyed by his statement. "Thanks (Y/n)" Asui said, as she was about to do the same, but with her tongue, while (Y/n) gave her a nod as she went back to her seat, away from Mineta.

Once the match started, Sero was at a great disadvantage, as Mina's acid would melt away his tape Quirk anytime it was aimed at her. Soon, Mina got too close to Sero and they were both forced to go into hand-to-hand combat. Having a short distance Quirk, Mina had ultimately won, just barely. Sero had to be taken into medical due to his Quirk's weakness and the burns caused by Mina's acid.

"Now it's time to move on to the sixth match" President Mic announced, as these matches were going surprisingly quick. Standing on the platform were Momo and Tokoyami. Just like the match with Kaminari and Shiozaki, the match was over in an instant, as Momo was out before she even knew it.

"Now, the seventh match of two completely redundant Quirks!" President Mic said bluntly, as Tetsutetsu and Kirishima were on the platform. "Look alive, shortie," Jiro said to Mineta as she stabbed one of her earphone cords into his head, jolting him awake. Once the match began, the two opponents ran at each other with very similar Quirks, basically canceling each other out.

Eventually, the two knocked each other out, ending their match in a draw. "When the contestants recover, they will compete in a simple contest, perhaps arm wrestling!" Midnight announced, while the crowd still cheered. "While we wait for Kirishima and Tetsutetsu to recover, we'll move on to the next battle!" President Mic announced as the last first match opponents were up. That being, Katsuki Bakugo and Ochaco Uraraka.

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