S1, E3

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"Third Form: Loathsome Moon - Chains" (Y/n) muttered out in her fighting stance, holding out her black sword. "Technique Development... Destructive Death: Compass Needle" Akaza muttered as a snowflake appeared on the ground. When (Y/n)'s attack approached him, he instantly dodged out of the way. Those that hit were pushed to a nonvital hit on his body, only leaving a scratch.

"My turn~!" Akaza said with a sadistic smile as he ran towards her, leaving dust in his wake. He sent a strong hit towards her head, only for her to dodge, and slice his hand. He then swung again with his other arm, only for her to duck down and slice off his legs, sending him falling to the ground.

He instantly flipped over onto his hand, regenerated hand, and spun in circles, his regenerated feet kicking her in the face. She is sent flying through the trashed beach, and stopped herself with her feet, leaving skid marks. Akaza then ran at her again, fist now aiming for her heart.

When he stopped, a cloud of dust covered the area, when it vanished it showed the results. Akaza's hand is pointed straight at her heart, while her sword is pointed against his neck. "It's..." (Y/n) muttered, trailing off on her sentence "...A tie!" Akaza finished for her, an amused smile on his face.

"Not again!! Damnit! I was sure I got you that time!!" (Y/n) complained as she lowered her sword. "Better luck next time (N/n)-Oto," Akaza said teasingly as he removed his hand from her chest to ruffle up her hair. "Agh! Quit that! I just got that brushed!!" (Y/n) complained as she tried to slap his hand away.

"You went too far this time! Look at her! She's all covered in blood and dirt!!" Daki complained while snagging (Y/n) away from Akaza's side. "Quit complaining, I only used one move," Akaza said with a huff, crossing his arms with an annoyed look. "Are you alright (N/n)-Oto? Did he break any bones? Any vital organs?" Daki asked while checking her body for injuries, ignoring Akaza.

"Leave her alone already, she's fine" Gyuutarou huffed out as he tried to pry Daki off of (Y/n). "I think you cracked my jaw" (Y/n) muttered as she rubbed her chin, earning a gasp from Daki. "SEE!! THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T FIGHT EACH OTHER!!" Daki screamed as she started hitting Akaza's chest, only to not affect the demon.

"I said quit complaining," Akaza said demandingly as he grabbed Daki's wrists, preventing her from hitting him more. "I'm only kidding, I'm fine!" (Y/n) reassured while patting Daki's back. "I don't understand the joke, how is that funny?" Gyuutarou muttered out with a confused tilt of his head, his finger touching his bottom lip.

"Ahm! Excuse me, fellow citizens!" Someone interrupted loudly, gaining their attention. What stood before them is a very buffed dude, with a kid hiding behind his figure. "Hello there, you're an interesting fellow," Akaza said as he appeared before All Might, startling the male.

Akaza's excited smile fell when he scanned All Might's body. "Pity... You're weak" Akaza said with a disappointed sigh. "Excuse me?" All Might asked with a slightly offended look, unsure what the demon meant. "You heard me, you look strong, but you're weak, it's pathetic," Akaza said mockingly.

"Sorry about him, he likes to evaluate people's strengths" (Y/n) said while pushing Akaza off the stairs, sending him tumbling back. While mid-air, he backflipped, landed perfectly on his feet, and walked away. "I see... Do you mind if we use this beach?" All Might asked politely.

(Y/n) hummed, internally debating if she should stop training for them. She then looked back at the sea, slightly noticing the light slowly rising, indicating the start of the morning. "Sure, we're done here anyway, come on you three" (Y/n) called over, only to get no response.

"Huh... I guess they left already" (Y/n) said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Hey, wait... You're the girl who fought that slime villain" Izuku pointed out meekly. "Hm? Oh! You're the kid who got in the way of my attack! And you're the guy who saved his ass!" (Y/n) exclaimed while pointing at them.

"Well, I best get going, before Otousan decides that I'm taking too long" (Y/n) said with a smile, and walked past them. When she got far enough away from them, she looked into the shadow of a building. "Do you guys need a lift?" (Y/n) asked, as 3 pairs of glowing eyes revealed themselves.

"No, we were waiting for you, come on before that weakling infects you," Akaza said with a "come here" motion with his hand. "You guys need to stop using Nakime-Ane for everything" (Y/n) complained as she walked over to them. "It's her job! She shouldn't be complaining!" Daki reasoned before they all fell through a shoji door.


~9 Months Later~

(Y/n) stepped into a silent classroom, the number 42 tapped on her shirt. She sat down at her assigned seat, a blank test paper on top of it. She took out a pencil from her pocket and placed it on the desk, now patiently waiting for the Exams to begin. When the Examiner walked in, they instantly started the Written Test.

She was surprised when she got a letter from UA, telling her to take the Recommendation Exam. Turns out Hawks kept his word and recommended her to UA. She had to leave her brothers at home since it would be considered cheating, along with any weapons.

"Time's up! Pencils down, an Examiner will go around collecting your papers!" The Examiner exclaimed as everyone slammed their pencils down. One of the Examiners walked around, collected all of the papers, and walked out of the room, most likely to grade them elsewhere.

"Now head out to the field! There you will find President Mic, who will be taking your Practical Exam!" The Examiner ordered sternly. Students instantly shuffled out of the school doors and headed towards the training grounds. "Hai! I'm Inasa Yoarashi! What's your name?" Inasa greeted cheerfully (Y/n).

"Hello, I'm (Y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you" (Y/n) greeted back with a respectful bow of her head. "Woah! No need to bow! We're possibly going to be classmates in the future!" Inasa exclaimed with a nervous chuckle. "I expect great things from you" (Y/n) said with a small smile. "As do I for you! Good luck out there!! You'll need it more than I do!" Inasa said waving her off as he followed the crowd of students.

They had lined up, all 50 students, now standing behind a race line. "Hello, Listeners! I am your host President Mic! Today for your Exam, you will be tested through a race! This race will contain various obstacles! You have to make it to the end, which marks three kilometers!" President Mic informed through his microphone. "Now let's get this party started!!!" President Mic exclaimed, indicating that the race had started.


The line is straight ahead of her, she had kept her first place so far, but a kid with ice and Inasa is hot on her trail. (Y/n) had leaped forward, intentionally avoiding the ice aimed at her to stop her movements, and leaped over the finish line. "The first to make it is number 42! Next to make it is- Oh! Look at that sudden boost in speed! Number 41 just took second place from #23!" President Mic narrated to the examinees.

"Nice going dude! That was so sick!" (Y/n) complemented, as she raised her hand to him. "You're not so bad as well!" Inasa complimented her as he high-fived her. "Hey bro, sorry for taking 2nd place from you, but man your powers are cool!" Inasa complimented as he walked over to the ice user.

"Quit bothering me, the test is over, I doubt we'll see each other again," Shoto said harshly as he left the field. "Ah... What a rude dude! Am I right?" Inasa said with a light-hearted chuckle. "Very rude, don't let it get to you, alright?" (Y/n) said reassuringly. In all honestly, she likes Inasa, he's a very outgoing human.

"Sadly, I do not think this school is for me... But hey! We can trade phone numbers if you'd like!" Inasa exclaimed as he took out his phone from seemingly nowhere. "Really? Well, you do you bro, but I don't mind exchanging numbers! Let's hang out sometime, yeah?" (Y/n) asked as she took out her phone from her pocket. As the Practical Exam ended, the students were allowed to leave the school, now needing to wait for their acceptance letter.

"My home is that way" (Y/n) said while pointing in a direction, as she and her new friend stood in front of the UA school. "My home is sadly that way, be careful on your way home!" Inasa said while placing a hand on her shoulder. As they parted ways, she waved him off, slightly happy with the new friendship. She then took out her phone, instantly texting Toga about the whole thing. Deep down, she slightly hopes Toga and Inasa become great friends with each other.

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