S2 E11

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Izuku rested on the hospital bed, in the recovery room, with All Might by his side. Recovery Girl had just ushered his classmates out, due to the crowded space. "I'm sorry... I couldn't do what you asked of me" Izuku apologized to his idol, having remembered his goal. "Though, I doubt I would've lasted against her, even if I tried talking to her..." Izuku hissed out.

"You got her to listen, didn't you? Isn't that what you aimed for?" All Might asked, trying his best to reassure Izuku. "It was, but... She didn't seem to listen to me at all. In the end, I don't even know what she's going through" Izuku grumbled, feeling a bit useless. "In the end... I didn't even focus on winning, it was all pointless... I'm sorry" Izuku apologized again.

Back within the stadiums, (Y/n) let out a cute sneeze, alerting the silent introvert next to her. "Don't be catching a cold, you still got a few more matches to win" Shinso remarked with a teasing smirk. "Who said anything about being sick? It's probably pollen" (Y/n) dismissed with a wave of her hand.

"Sh, the next match is starting, I think it's another one of your classmates" Shinso hushed as he looked at the newly built platform. "Hm? Oh, yeah, he is, he's our class president" (Y/n) informed as she watched Tenya's match against Shiozaki. In seconds, Tenya ended the match by pushing his opponent out of the ring.

"He's fast, though not as impressive as your brother's speed" Shinso noted, having remembered how fast Akaza can move. "Iida's quirk is based on speed, I mean they're obvious when they're on his legs" (Y/n) pointed out. The next match was Tokoyami against Mina, earning a loud sigh from Shinso.

"Of course, it's more of your classmates, it's practically expected at this point" Shinso complained, looking uninterested in watching them fight. "Don't pout, you just got unlucky being paired with Midoriya" (Y/n) reassured as she slapped his back playfully. "Tch! That guy shouldn't have even passed, all he did was hurt himself" Shinso scoffed, clearly salty about his match.

"Looks like my match is coming up next, after this one, and I just sat down too" (Y/n) groaned as she stood up. "You're not going to watch your classmates fight?" Shinso asked curiously but secretly wanted her to stay a little longer. "Nah, I know both their quirks already, plus the one with explosions will win" (Y/n) said confidently.

"Only a few weeks into the school and you're already putting bets? How low" Shinso teased as he watched her leave. "I'm not wrong, if I am, I'll let you touch my sword" (Y/n) promised as she vanished from his sights. Shinso chuckled to himself as he focused back on the fight, having no doubt that her predictions would hold true.

"Kirishima has been knocked out, Bakugo is the winner!" Midnight said through the speakers set within the stadium. (Y/n) shook her head as she detoured towards the entrance. "Typical, I didn't even have a chance to go into the break room" (Y/n) spoke to herself. "The first match of the Semi-Finals, both come from the hero course, making this a battle of the leads! From the hero course, Tenya Iida! Vs his classmate (Y/n)!" President Mic announced excitedly.

Tenya eyed her for any weak spots, wanting to play his cards perfectly against her. "START!" President Mic exclaimed, allowing the two to go all out. Taking out her two fans, she opened them and connected them together, making a blade. With a wide swing, she tossed it like a frisbee, allowing it to fly right at Tenya.

He quickly tried to evade it, only to find that it was flying after him, almost as if it was able to follow him. Focused on not being sliced, he did not anticipate for her to kick him in the stomach. Thinking fast, he was forced to use his leg to try and kick the blade away, only earning a deep slice through his shin. Rolling to the ground, his leg was now critically injured, thus slowing his quirk down.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) ducked low from the blades, allowing them to fly past her. Of course, they didn't stay airborne for long as they slowly fell onto the ring's floor. She calmly walked to her fans, not bothered to watch Tenya fall to his stomach, as he tried his best to force himself to move. Placing her fans back onto her buckle, she waited for Midnight to call out her victory.

"Look at that! Iida is down, and she didn't even use her sword! Talk about a fast match!" President Mic commented as the crowd cheered for her. She decided to head to the break rooms, knowing she would be wasting her time heading back to the stadium. Thankfully she gets a bit of a break before she heads back out onto the field.


A villain stared at the chaos below while taking advantage of feeling the un rays again. Gold eyes eyed every live subject for any stray meal. "Father, we shouldn't be out here in the day" his older son informed him, earning him a glance. Gold eyes met bright blue, who seem to stare at him expectingly.

"My apologies, I guess I got distracted by the smell of blood, come on, your brother must be waiting for us" the villain ushered. With that the two left, leaving the scene with a bright flash of orange. Witnessed by only the villain killer, who was also silently watching from elsewhere.

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