S1, E4

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The hollow grounds of UA, the school with the best hero training course in the world. The place every kid wants to go, because of its low rate of accepting students, along with idols of big league heroes. All Might, the most famous pro hero there is, Endeavor with the most wins under his belt, and a peacekeeper. Along with denim-clad award-winning marvel Best Jeanist.

"Wait, wait, wait, so you're saying I HAVE to graduate from there?! With the low, low percentage of not being accepted at all?! What kind of bullshit is that?!" (Y/n) complained, interrupting Toga. "Come on! I know you passed! All you did was run three kilometers" Toga reasoned while holding a newspaper about UA.

"There were obstacles too! I didn't even have my weapons on me! So all I had was running! Though... I did accidentally kick a robot's face in" (Y/n) mumbled the last part. "Really?! With your bare feet?!" Toga exclaimed excitedly as she gripped (Y/n)'s shoulders. "No! I had shoes! Why would I want my feet on that grubby thing?!" (Y/n) huffed out with crossed arms.

"I'll let you smash my face with your feet Imoutosan~" Douma huskily whispered into (Y/n)'s ear. "GAH!!! NOT YOU TOO!!" (Y/n) complained as she instantly jumped away from Douma. "Akaza-San was right, that is funny!" Douma said with a chuckle, muffled by his hand.

"Akaza-Ani!! How dare you to convince Douma-Ani to appear out of nowhere!!" (Y/n) whined out, knowing her brother heard her. "Don't be like that Imoutosan! You know you love it" Akaza said on the other side of her ear, causing her to shriek in fright. "I SAID QUIT DOING THAT!!!" (Y/n) screamed out now hiding behind Toga.

"So, that new friend of yours... Is he... Tasty?" Toga asked innocently, sparkles within her eyes. "You traitor!!" (Y/n) complained, anime crying, knowing she's going to get a massive lecture now. "(N/n)-Oto, what's this about a new friend?" Douma asked creepily. "Is he strong? Chose your answer wisely" Akaza said creepily. Both her demon brothers had dark shadows covering their faces, glaring down at her.

"Ahm... I... Uh... BYE!!" (Y/n) yelled out as she ran for her life. "(N/n)-Oto, come back here~! You know you can't outrun us~!" Douma sang out as they kept up with her speed. "Daki-Ane!!! Help me!!!!" (Y/n) cried as she ran about the house, being chased by her two brothers.

Unfortunately, Daki isn't home, (Y/n) had forgotten Daki left for a mission sent by Muzan. "Imoutosan, Imoutosan, was running from us worth it?" Douma asked mockingly as he held her in a tight hug, keeping her in place. "Maybe a little..." (Y/n) muttered out, a bit tired from the chase.

"So, Toga-San, tell me everything you know," Akaza said with creepy calmness. "Sure! His name is... Inasa, he's very energetic, and I think he's a wind user" Toga informed flawlessly. "Traitor!! You're a big fat traitor!!" (Y/n) complained, now struggling to get out of Douma's grip.


~One Week Later~

(Y/n) is in the corner, crying anime tears, and growing mushrooms. "(Y/n)-Oto, please look at me for a second, I've got a surprise for you" Gyokko said from behind her. "F-Fine... What is it Gyokko-Ani?" (Y/n) asked through her tears, glancing back at him. "You got a letter from UA," Gyokko said as he held out a letter, luckily it isn't stained with blood.

"Really?! Thanks, Gyokko-Ani! I didn't think they'd deliver it so soon!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily as she snatched the paper from him. "As per request, we didn't kill the delivery person this time, I'll leave you to the note," Gyokko said as he vanished into his vase. (Y/n) instantly started tearing the seal, making sure to not rip anything contained within it.

"Huh?" (Y/n) muttered as she found a round disk and a paper next to it. Taking out the disk first, she placed it down to go take out the paper. But before she could, the disk started to glow, and a hologram appeared before her. "BOYA! I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION NOW!!" All Might exclaimed, catching her by surprise.

"Wait... Isn't that the guy at the beach? What's his name again?" (Y/n) muttered curiously. "As a surprise from me to you, I will be the new faculty member! Yes, you heard it here, I All Might will be working as a teacher!" All Might exclaimed to the projection. "Anyways, back to the main point! You have passed the written and practical tests. In other words, you're now a student of UA!" All Might exclaimed excitedly.

"Also, a bonus, I heard from the Examiners that you work with weapons! Although we have support classes that allow you to use support items, we normally don't allow weapons. But, since your quirk deals with weapons, we gave you full authority to have them on your person!" All Might exclaimed with a thumbs up.

"Oh, sweet" (Y/n) muttered, not as excited as she should be for getting into UA. "Now, I welcome you, (Y/n), you have made it, you're now a part of the Hero Academia," All Might said as the hologram finished. "Well, that went better than I expected" (Y/n) muttered, now checking the piece of paper, which held her ID card to get past the gates, and her class schedule.

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