S3 E5 + E6

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"So, how come you aren't joining the fun?" Doma asked as he leaned over Shigaraki. His rainbow eyes gleamed with mischief as his creepy smile was fully on display. "Because I'm allowing my henchmen to do the work for me. Plus, we get to see the whole show from here" Shigaraki said as he gestured to the TV. On the screen, it showcased the forest burning and kids screaming.

"That's right, you see this all as a game!" Doma said in fake amazement, then smirked. "Of course, someone like you, teaming with creatures like us. It's bound to be your natural instinct to think of it as such" he said mockingly. "Watch your tone around me, demon" Shigaraki hissed as he glared at Doma.

A hand forced Shigaraki to look up at the demon, as Doma smirked "innocently". "It's sad... It's oh so pitiful, that you think... That you're the one in control here," Doma said with an evil smile. Within a blink of an eye, they both had vanished, leaving the hideout empty. As if no one was there, to begin with.


(Y/n) sat on the cliff, a mask covering her face and a hoodie covering her hair. "How long do I have to keep holding this camera?" Senjuro asked, his arms getting tired from holding it up. "Here, do you want me to hold it?" (Y/n) offered as she stood up. Senjuro nodded innocently as he handed the camera to her, and sat down on the ground.

It wasn't long before Akaza joined them on the cliff. "Imoutosan, shouldn't you be down below, acting like a scared child?" Akaza asked as he approached her. "Everyone is separated, they'll just think I'm lost in the woods somewhere, plus, Twice made a double of me" (Y/n) reassured him.

"It's hard to see where everyone is from up here" Senjuro noted as he squinted his eyes. 'Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat, use your training, you may fight these villains!' Mandalay's voice rang in (Y/n)'s head. "Looks like Midoriya got his message to Mandalay, not that it'll matter much" (Y/n) informed them.

"He's most likely running on pure adrenaline. I know for certain I roughed him up badly" Akaza hummed as he stared at the burning forest. 'Listen! We've discovered two of the villain's targets! Two students, named Kachan and (Y/n). If you two are hearing this, try to avoid combat and stick to a group' Mandalay warned the two.

"Stick to a group? That's funny" (Y/n) giggled, earning confused looks from Akaza and Senjuro. "Mandalay just warned Bakugo and I to stay away from the villains" she explained to them. "So that means our mission is almost over?" Senjuro asked hopefully. "Almost, we just need them to capture that Bakugo kid first," Akaza reminded him.

"Woah! Look at that! Massive explosions are happening over there!" Senjuro exclaimed as he pointed at the forest. (Y/n) hummed as she turned the camera to the destruction. Looks like, whatever it was, was heading right for ice, most likely a classmate of hers. "It shouldn't be long now" (Y/n) hummed as she smirked, tapping her foot.

"Boss, I've acquired our target," Compress said into a small communication device in his ear. "Perfect, Nakime, you know what to do" (Y/n) said into the device. A loud thrumb of a Biwa and suddenly, shoji doors opened under all the villains and vanished before anyone could do anything.


People gathered around the large television, as it broadcasted a live feed of the villains. Whoever was managing the camera seemed to hide in the trees, transitioning from villains to heroes. Instantly, they recognize the heroes in training, as their popularity boomed after the Sports Festival.

There was no audio, but they could see them struggling to defeat the villains. Suddenly, the camera lifted up as it got to a higher altitude. The civilians watched in horror as destruction lay at every corner, fire burning the forest, with poisonous gas trapping them in. Then something started crashing through the forest, destroying a good portion of the land.

The parents of the children in the live broadcast were downright horrified. They watched helplessly as their kids were attacked. Where were the heroes? Why are the villains targeting their kids? All they can do is pray for their children's safety. Their pleads were silenced when the camera went dark.

And then... They were greeted with a massive room, filled with structures that twisted in strange ways. Shadows of figures seem to appear around the strange room. The camera tilted to the side, moving around to bring attention to one specific factor. Two of the UA students were strapped to a chair, Katsuki Bakugo and Fumikage​​​​​​​ Tokoyami​​​​​​.

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