S1, E5

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A/N: The picture above is how I imagine her weapon and fans to look like.

"(Y/N)! OVER HERE!!!" Inasa called her over, waiting at the train station for her, while also gaining a lot of attention. She quickly made her way toward him, while hiding her blush from the embarrassment. "Do you have to yell so loudly?" (Y/n) asked nervously, now shy because of the amount of attention he gained.

"Sorry about that! I just wanted to make sure you spotted me! I heard you got into UA, congrats!" Inasa exclaimed while patting her shoulder. He would've patted her back, but her box is in the way. "Yup! I heard you got into UA as well, and the sister school" (Y/n) pointed out as they waited for the train.

"YEP! But, I've decided to go to the sister school! So be ready to face me in the future!" Inasa exclaimed with a thumbs up. "You better not hold back on me" (Y/n) said accusingly as they walked onto the train. "Hahaha! I won't! So you better not either!" Inasa exclaimed while ruffling her hair.

"Gah! Hey! Not my hair!! I just got that brushed!" (Y/n) cried out as she tried to get away from his hand, only for him to laugh at her. "Hm? Oh, Looks like this is my stop, I'll see you around!" (Y/n) said as she waved him off while getting off the train. "Good luck! Make a lot of good friends!" Inasa exclaimed while waving frantically until the doors closed.

When she arrived at school and found her classroom, she spotted someone staring at the door nervously. "Man, this thing is huge... Are there Giants here?" Izuku muttered to himself, unaware that someone was behind him. "Possibly, you never know, since everyone has different quirks" (Y/n) commented, accidentally making the boy jump in fright.

When he got his bearings, he seemed to have realized something, now intently scanning her. "You're the girl who saved Kachan... And the girl at the beach" Izuku pointed out nervously. "That's right! But... Do you mind moving aside? I'd like to get into the classroom" (Y/n) said while pointing to the door.

"Ah! Sorry!" Izuku exclaimed as he moved out of her way, allowing her to witness their classmates first. When she opened the door, he poked his head around her figure. "Take your feet off of that desk, now!" Tenya ordered Katsuki, glaring down at his figure. "Huh?" Katsuki asked mockingly but made no moves to do as told.

"It's the first day, and you're already disrespecting this Acadamy, by scuffing school property, you cretin" Tenya scolded him rudely. "You're kidding me, right? Did your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" Katsuki asked mockingly, and rhetorically. "What a lively classroom" (Y/n) muttered to herself, while Izuku hid behind her.

"Let's start over, I'm Tenya Iida, from the Somi Private Acadamy" Tenya introduced politely. "Somi, huh? So you must think you're better than me? I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one" Katsuki said confidently, making Tenya gasp at the disrespect. "You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?" Tenya asked rhetorically.

When they finished arguing, they finally noticed (Y/n) and Izuku staring at them. Tenya straightened his posture, while Katsuki's eyes narrowed, now intently staring at (Y/n). "It's her, the one from the news" Tenya muttered, causing everyone to look at her. "Hello" (Y/n) greeted with a small wave, while slightly sweatdropping from the attention.

"Uh! Hi!" Izuku also greeted as he hid further behind her back, now feeling really, really, nervous. "Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida, form the-" Tenya started to great as he marched up to them. "I'm sorry, but I've already heard your greeting earlier. My name is (Y/n), no last name" (Y/n) introduced politely.

"Eh...? WAIT A MINUTE! YOU'RE THE BITCH WHO TOSSED ME!" Katsuki exclaimed and got up abruptly, slamming his hands on the desk. "Hm? Oh, hey, to you too" (Y/n) said with a casual wave, earning her an angry growl from Katsuki. "DON'T GREET ME LIKE WE'RE FRIENDS!!" Katsuki exclaimed angirly.

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