S1, E2

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They had made their way into a fast-food restaurant, Hawks had ordered a bucket of chicken legs, while (Y/n) ordered a burger. She is currently sitting across from him, casually eating her burger, the box holding her two, chibi, brothers, sitting next to her. "So, what's in the box?" Hawks asked, pointing at the box, while ungracefully eating his food.

Before speaking, she placed her burger down and covered her mouth with a napkin. "Why should I tell you? Also, have some manners" (Y/n) scolded him lightly. "You know, you should become a hero, you'd be a great asset" Hawks instantly said, immediately changing the subject.

"You don't say... I was actually planning on taking the UA exam" (Y/n) informed as she took another bite from her burger. "Really? I can recommend you, if you want~" Hawks said with a wink. "Recommend me? You can do that?" (Y/n) asked with a cute confused tilt of her head.

"Of course, I can, my little dove! I am the number 3 hero" Hawks said while puffing his chest out. "Yes, you've said that before we got here... Also, my name isn't little dove... It's (Y/n)" (Y/n) grumbled out as she finished her burger. "Really? There's no last name?" Hawks asked curiously.

"Never had one" (Y/n) said blandly as she finished up her burger. "I best get going" (Y/n) said as she started to pack up. "I would offer to walk you home, but I see you're capable enough on your own! I hope to see you in my internship!" Hawks exclaimed happily. "We'll see" (Y/n) muttered as she walked out of the restaurant, with her box in tow. "What a weirdo..." (Y/n) muttered under her breath, getting farther from the hero's view.

On her trek home, a loud explosion sounded near the station to get home. Now interested in the cause of the explosion she started to quicken her steps. As she got closer, the sound of firetruck alarms blared in her ears, and a crowd of people blocked her way. "Excuse me, pardon me" (Y/n) muttered as she pushed through the crowd, getting a better vantage point.

Within the burning wreckage, a large slime villain wabbled around, while innocents caught in the mess ran for their lives. "How dare you pray on an innocent child!!" Death Arms yelled out while running towards the villain, aiming to attack it, or rescue the hostage.

'So there's a human in that slime? Should I help him? I'm not really qualified to help...' (Y/n) internally debated ignoring the distressed heroes and victims. Loud explosions blew off within the villain, covering everyone's visions with smoke, losing sight of both villain and hostage.

"Ah... I'm going to regret doing this..." (Y/n) muttered as she reached her hand into the box, similar to Hermonie's endless bag. She pulled out two black fans, painted with butterflies and water lilies. She then vanished from her spot, somehow going unnoticed by the crowd. But, when the smoke cleared, she stood in front of the villain.

"Look! There's a girl!" A civilian pointed out, instantly getting the hero's attention. "What?! Kid! Get out of there!" A hero exclaimed, unable to rescue her from their spots. "I've been meaning to try this out" (Y/n) muttered as she opened one of the fans, holding it close to her eye.

"Another kid? I don't need two of you, so die!!" The villain yelled out as it goes to attack her. "Kid!!" The heroes called out, now determined to rescue her. (Y/n) swung her fan back and forth, it started off slowly, but then it speed up in speed, now creating a wind barrage, slowly pushing the villain backward.

"What the hell is this?!" The villain yelled out as it tried to stay on the ground. The wind just got stronger and stronger, sending him off the hostage and into a food stand. Before the hostage could get blown away too, (Y/n) grabbed his arm and tossed him towards an incoming hero.

"What the- OI! LET GO OF ME!" Bakugo screamed out as he struggled in the hero's grip. "Agh... Damn kid, now I'm pissed!!" The villain exclaimed as it slithered out of the food stang, now slithering towards her. (Y/n) spun her fan, and positioned her hand back, now positioned like it was a sword.

"New technique... Air slash" (Y/n) muttered as she swung her fan down, it slashed at the villain as a sword would. But instead of cutting it, the wind sent it into another food stand. In the background, the hero took Bakugo back to safety, while the onlookers watched in awe at her talent.

"Gah... Quit doing that! It doesn't work on me!" The villain complained while slowly slithering out of the mess. "Looks effective to me" (Y/n) pointed out mockingly, while covering her mouth with her fan. "When I get you, you'll wish you're dead!!" The villain threatened as it spread out everywhere, and circled her form.

"Kid! Get out of there! You'll get hurt!!" The hero said desperately, already seeing the villain's plans. (Y/n) then placed her fans together, making a round blade out of the fans. Before she could do anything though, a kid ran between her and the approaching slime. "Take this!!" Izuku yelled out as he tossed his backpack at the slime.

"You're in my way kid" (Y/n) said harshly, unappreciative by his rescue. "And let you take this thing on your own?! No way! I just can't stand by and let you die!!" Izuku yelled out stubbornly. "Shut up! Die you stupid brat!!" The villain yelled out angirly, as he slams a slime hand down towards Izuku.

"SAVE THE KIDS!!" The hero exclaimed, now desperate to save them both. When the hand landed dust clouded her eyes, unable to see what happened. When it finally cleared, she spotted a buff dude in front of Izuku, preventing the villain from attacking them both.

"Good, an actual hero is here, better go before I get interviewed' (Y/n) thought as she closed her fans. She spotted an opening ran past the villain and jumped on top of the train station. "Hey! Kid! Get back here! We have questions for you!" A hero exclaimed as they tried to chase her. "I'm good" (Y/n) said with a wave and speed off, leaving a small dust cloud from her quick speed, leaving the hero in the dust.


Muzan stood in front of her, arms crossed, and blanked face. The room is silent, waiting for him to say something, instead of staring at her with an intimidating look. "I saw the news," Muzan said, instantly breaking that silence, making (Y/n) jolt in her spot. "You were reckless, you gave that villain too many openings" Muzan scolded her.

"Sorry, Otousan... It won't happen again" (Y/n) said with a 90-degree bow, showing respect and honesty in her words. His eyes narrowed at her figure, despite the stern look, he actually looks worried. "Don't ever do it again" Muzan ordered harshly, quickly turning away and walking off to his room.

(Y/n) looked up, waiting for his figure to vanish before releasing a relieved sigh. Then she groaned in frustration, shuffling her hair with her hands. "Gah! More training!" (Y/n) complained, knowing that's her punishment for going easy on the villain. "Don't act like that! You should be excited!" Akaza complained, suddenly standing next to her, crossing his arms with a pout.

"Ah! Quit doing that! I hate it when you do that!" (Y/n) exclaimed while pointing at him. "Maybe if you beat me in a battle, I'll comply!" Akaza reasoned with a determined look. "Fine! I'll kick your ass this time!" (Y/n) promised with a determined smile, cracking her knuckles.

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