S3 E8

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Crowds of citizens gathered around the live television, yelling in protest, and screaming for heroes to do something. As far as they know, heroes aren't coming to the rescue. The parents of the two captured children are rightfully horrified, as they watched their poor babies be held hostage by villains.

"Ahem, is this thing on?" (Y/n) asked through the mic she stole, catching everyone's attention. "I'll assume you all can hear me, if not, you still got visual footage," she said casually. The heroes, that attend UA, recognize the voice, they already knew (Y/n) was a part of the kidnapping, but to hear her be so casual came as a shock. Shouldn't she care about the people she became friends with? Even a little bit?

"Now, enough of showing you these two, let's pan to someone more interesting" (Y/n) said as the camera moved. The world seemed to spin as rooms and doors flashed through the screen. Was she... Falling? With a shake, she seemed to land somewhere and turned the camera to new hostages.

Rumi and 13 were strapped to a chair, staring down at Pixe-bob's unconscious body below them in horror. Behind them stood Hawks and Inasa, with weapons pointed to the hero's necks. People were confused and went into panic, how could their beloved heroes work with villains?! They were too confused to notice how odd they looked, and the engravings in their eyes.

Hawks had large horns jutting out of his head, and his once red wings looked darker in color, and in his pupil read "Lower 3". With Inasa, he sported his normal grin, but it had an edge of maliciousness as he showed off his large fangs, and in his pupil read "Lower 2". "Are we allowed to get started, I'm getting impatient" Shinso's voice intercepted, as he walked over to the hostages while looking at the camera.

Both his eyes and hair seemed to glow, as a well-built mask covered half of his face. On his head were two thin horns, blending with his hair. In his eyes, they are barely able to read the kanji "Lower 1". Aizawa felt like a nail hit his head, how stupid could he have been? "This is worse than we thought" Nezu noted out loud, knowing their career as teachers is over.

"Young Shinso... Hawks too" All Might mumbled as he held a hand over his mouth in horror. "I should've known something was up when Shinso didn't respond to my internship" Aizawa growled, feeling at fault. "We were all fooled, we should've seen the signs. I mean, look, they already kidnapped 2 heroes and the third is working with them!" President Mic exclaimed with dramatic hand gestures.

"Not yet, I want these two to see what will happen to them. Hawks, deal with the body" (Y/n) ordered as she gestured to Pixie Bob. Instantly, Hawks pounced on the body, and the audience watched in horror as he ripped her apart. She wasn't even moving, either unconscious or already dead. Either way, it was a gruesome scene, as blood splattered the ground.

"You- You can't do this! Let us go!" Rumi screamed as she was the first to go into a panic. 13 was less vocal, trying her best to figure out a way out of this. "Drop them" (Y/n) ordered, instantly a door opened under the two hostages and they vanished. Both Inasa and Shinso dropped in after them, while Hawks continues to have his fill.

Then the camera blurred as if it was moving fast, before landing back in front of Bakugo and Tokoyami. This time, Doma is standing behind them, grinning creepily. "Can I eat one of them? They smell so... Tempting" Doma cooed as he poked Bakugo's cheek. "You may eat the bird, we don't need him" (Y/n) said casually.

"What?! Please, don't!" Tokoyami squawked in horror, as he struggled in his seat. "Awe, but I wanted to eat this one" Doma pouted as he leaned his head against Bakugo's cheek. "Get off me you creep!" Bakugo barked as he tried leaning away from the demon. "Enough of this nonsense, just feed him the blood," Akaza said from behind (Y/n), getting impatient.

The audience didn't know how much more they could take, as trauma came one after another. "NO! KATSUKI!!" Mitsuki yelled as she collapsed to the floor, her arm outstretched toward the television. Masaru crouched down and hugged his wife as he looked up at the television. The screen showed Katsuki with a needle lodged into his neck, once it was removed he started spazzing, his mouth foaming.

"Bakugo! What's wrong?! What did you do to him?!" Tokoyami exclaimed as he struggled in his chair, glaring at the camera. "If he survives, you will see" (Y/n) answered nonchalantly. "Watch your head, kid, or you'll get hit" Akaza warned with a sly smirk. "What-?" Tokoyami didn't get to finish his sentence when Rumi and 13 fell to the floor painfully.

He was so distracted by the hero's sudden appearance, he didn't notice that Doma had left his spot. "Thank god... Heroes" Tokoyami said as he let out a sigh of relief. "Huh? No way... It's a student from class 1-A! Are you alright?! Don't worry we'll get you out of here" 13 said as she is immediately by his side.

"Hostages? You bastards... Hey, kid, are you good?" Rumi asked as she approached Katsuki, shaking him gently. "Let's get these bindings off of-" 13 was interrupted by a loud shrill scream. Instantly the two turned to look at the sound, only to be horrified by the sight. Blood was everywhere and the fear on Rumi's face stuck in their mind, as Katsuki's mouth is latched to her neck.

With a harsh yank, her throat was ripped out and Rumi's head flopped to the ground. Akaza cringed at the head as he backed away from it. "Bakugo...?" Tokoyami hesitantly asked, instantly regretting it as Katsuki's attention is now pinned on him. Katsuki was no longer his classmate, the crazed smile proved as much.

Suddenly, Katsuki punched Tokoyami, with the intention to kill him. Only to be tackled to the ground by 13, doing her best to protect Tokoyami. While all the bird boy could do is watch, still stuck to the chair that binds him. "Pity... They left the food untouched" Doma said with a mock frown, as he approached Rumi's decapitated body.

"Huh?! Wait, what are you doing to her?!" Tokoyami asked in alarm, watching as Doma picked up the body. "Isn't it obvious? Eating her" Doma said nonchalantly as Rumi's body seemed to melt into his body. Tokoyami was disgusted and traumatized beyond repair. But, he still holds onto that small piece of hope of getting out of there alive. If there was one hero, there had to be more on the way, right? Right?

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