S2 E7

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When (Y/n) got back to her spot, to watch Shinso fight, she noticed that they were now in hand-to-hand combat. She had no clue what had gone down beforehand, but the excitement was still there. They were so close to the line, that either one of them could fall past it. So far it looked like Shinso was winning, thanks to his solid stance that kept him from moving further.

But, what he didn't expect was for Izuku to swing his entire body over the line, counting him as out. "Shinso is out of bounds, Midoryia advances to the next match" Midnight called out. This earned loud cheers from the crowd, most likely hyped by the unexpected display from Shinso. The two looked rather bet up, most likely roughhoused each other before Izuku won.

President Mic started spouting nonsense to hype the crowd further, while Shinso got up with an angered look. He did not want to stick around to listen to Izuku's "let's be friends" speech. Instead, he marched up to (Y/n), who gave him a mocking smirk, which he glared at. "You owe me... 50 bucks" (Y/n) commented, earning a scoff from the male, who did not have money on hand.

"I'll give it to you after the tournament, if you actually beat this thing" Shinso spat, with crossed arms. She then placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't be so pissed off, you did great for your first real combat outside of our training" (Y/n) praised, which caused a small blush to form on Shinso's cheeks. "Whatever... Just don't lose" Shinso grumbled as he marched off into the stadium, most likely to sit with his classmates to watch her battle.

(Y/n) walked onto the platform, now facing off Shoto Todoroki, this time not getting an introduction as they walked out. "She's got a hidden skill that no one can match, look out for her weapons, they're sharp! From the Hero Course, (Y/n)!" President Mic announced, deciding to introduce them a little late. (Y/n) held out her sword, the orange underside glowing from the bright flames behind her.

"Versus, a front runner who's way too strong for his own good, someone who rightfully added to the hero course based on recommendations. It's Shoto Todoroki!!" President Mic announced while Shoto looked thoroughly pissed off. "And now for the second match of the finals! Ready?! Begin!!" President Mic yelled out, which caused (Y/n) to let out a visible puff of hair from her mouth.

In an instant, Shoto's pissed-off look turned into fear, now no longer seeing (Y/n) in her spot. Instead, what replaced her was Kokushibo, menacingly holding his sword up, preparing to swing. Not taking any chances, Shoto send a large amount of ice, which shook the stadium. Just as the massive chunk of ice appeared, it then broke into dust, which rained down on anyone within its range.

'First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace' (Y/n) internally said as she stood firm in her spot, having been the one to destroy the ice. President Mic was too stunned to speak, having no clue what had happened to make a comment on it. "What--?!" Shoto's question was then silenced as (Y/n) appeared in front of him, now holding the sharp blade to the left side of his neck.

He stiffened, as his left side is the side he doesn't want to use, while also not wanting his head to get sliced off. "I have no clue what your story is. Nor do I care to listen to it, but if you do not intend to go full out, you will lose this match" (Y/n) promised as she pressed the sword further against his neck, which drew blood.

"Why... Why do you follow your father's expectations? Are... Are you just like me? A product of destruction to carry out his goal?" Shoto asked in a hushed whisper. "Whether or not I am like you, I will always carry my powers proudly. It's my own choice if I get to use them the way they want me to, or for my own gain" (Y/n) reasoned with narrowed eyes.

"Then I... Will not hold back either" Shoto said with a determined look, now lighting half of himself on fire, which caused (Y/n) to jump away. She then quickly sheathed her sword and took out her fans, while Shoto allowed his fire to light up the area. Snapping out his shock, Cementos quickly placed up barriers in front of Shoto, as the whole place exploded.

"WOAH!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! THAT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!!" President Mic exclaimed in shock, as dust covered the area. "It's most likely due to the sudden rise in temperature after the drop of temperature" Aizawa noted lazily, not at all fazed by the display. The audience leaned over in anticipation, waiting to see who won, while the cloud of dust started to clear.

Shoto was then seen laying on the floor unconscious, with (Y/n) standing there with slight burn marks. During the explosion, she did her best to keep herself from steeping off bounds and from burning to a crisp. Quickly, she knocked Shoto out with a strike to the neck, with her fan. But, sadly, only she would know her accomplishments of knocking him out instead of his own quirk. "Shoto Todoroki is out of commission! (Y/n) advances to the next round!!" Midnight announced, which earned a cheer from the crowd. 

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