[ Chapter 91 : Praying ]

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" What's this? " I push up her sleeve.

" Oh, I burnt my hand over a candle trying to reach for a vase in the cabinet at home, I'm clumsy as always " she shows the burnt mark.

I look at it carefully and it really does look like a burnt mark, I look up at her and she smiles.

" What?, Is it going to get infected? " She looks down at it.

" No, your fine " I said, she sighs in relief.

I look over to her basket of utensils and I pick up the needle holder sponge and there's only a few.

" I know it looks bad " Malia takes the sponge and she looks at me with a slightly hesitant.

" Like I said, I trust you " I place my hand on her shoulder, she smiles.

" Miss Y/n " I turn around and see Jemma.

" Is it Esmé? " I asked, she shakes her head.

" Your father in law has arrived, he's here for you and master Laurence "

" Okay, I'll be there, prepare a room for him " I said and she curtsy before leaving.

I turn back to the other three girls.

" So much for hating visitors " Lumina nudges Rowena.

" What? "

" He's my father in law " I said, Rowena shrugs and I shake my head.

" Anyways, I'm gonna have to leave you girls again, the maids has prepared rooms for you, I'll talk to you in the morning " I said.

" It's okay, your family goes first " Lumina said.

" I'll pray for you " Malia said.

" We'll pray too " Rowena squinted her eyes at Malia.

" Thank you all "

~ Time Skip ~

Four hours has passed, it's now 8pm.

" Your mother is busy with the investigation so I thought I would come here and take care of Esmé for you, if you let me " Hayden said.

" Father your in no shape to take care of a baby " Laurence said.

" I took care of you when you were a babe, I'd say I was doing just fine " Hayden smiles.

" That was before you got worse and this is dangerous, what if the person breaks in and kills you? " Laurence asked.

" I have the family heirloom with me " he shows the ring on his finger.

The one Laurence wore during the war last winter.

" Are you sure about this? " I asked as I hold Esmé who's awake and sucking on her flower shaped pacifier.

" I can assure you, I will protect my granddaughter " he said.

Laurence gives me a reassuring nod and I approach Hayden as he sit on his wheelchair. Passing of Esmé gently Hayden holds her carefully as he smiles.

" Hello " Hayden said and Esmé looks at him with her lavender blue eyes and keep sucking her pacifier.

" I'm your grampy " he said and she has her hands fiddling the button of his sleeve.

" We have seventeen hours left before the ritual happens " I said.

" It won't happen " Laurence said and I nodded.

" Right " I sigh as I move my hair off my shoulder.

" Can we get you anything?, Food? " I asked, Hayden shakes his head.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat