The cleaner. Wow! She is so stunning in her leather jacket, black jeans and riding boots.

"Hi. I think there's something wrong with my car." I said and explained more. She checked the engine and everything she could do.

"Serious issue. Can you wait a little bit? I'll just call a mechanic nearby." She said while putting on her helmet.

"Uhm. Should I trust you?" I asked. Because hell yeah, we shouldn't trust people just like that nowadays.

"Hmmm. It's okay if you won't trust me on this. The mechanic I am going to call is Dream Entertainment's trusted person when their cars ain't well. But if you know someone, you can call them and I'll wait until they take your car to their shop." She said.

I don't know anyone. I don't want to disturb my parents and even Rosé just for this.

"Ok. I think I need your help then." I said and she rode her big bike.

Just after fifteen minutes, she came back with the mechanic. He checked my car as we wait on the side.

I noticed the cleaner just disappeared a while ago. But her bike is still here.

"Ma'am, I think we should bring your car to my shop. I'll just call my staff to bring a flat bed here and pull your car." He said and I just agreed. I need my car as soon as possible as I have a lot of guesting and taping next week.

The cleaner is approaching us and the mechanic also explained to her what must be done with my car.

I am surprised that she handed me and the mechanic a bottle of water each. She opened my water first then gave it to me.

We waited for another fifteen minutes and the flat bed is here to be used to pick up my car.

"Someone has gifted me another helmet just last week. It's new. If you want, you can ride behind me going to the shop so you'll know where they are bringing your car. Only if that's ok with you, Ma'am." She offered.

I was hesitant at first because I only met her this morning. But I can see in her eyes that she is a good person.

She took the helmet from her bike box and help me wear it. She also assisted me so I can comfortably sit behind her. Her big bike is a bomb! It's a mix of vintage and modern look!

She is actually hot riding this monster.

She told me that it's ok if I extend my arms to her tummy or shoulders so I would feel safe during the ride.

She was too careful driving her bike. So smooth and I feel safe. We reached the mechanic's shop and I signed some papers as my receipt once it's done.

"Are you going somewhere else? I can bring you there if you don't mind." She asked.

"No. Don't worry about me anymore. I'll just take a cab." I said.

"Ma'am, it's not safe for you to take a cab or book an Uber. You're a celebrity." She said.

"It's fine. I want to experience it again. It's been so long that I haven't." I said and smiled at her.

"Ok. If you insist. Then I'll just follow behind you until you reach your destination. Is that okay?" She offered again.

I actually find it cute.

"You know what, help me wear that helmet again." I said and we both laughed. She is so cute! She's so shy but very helpful.

We reached this secret coffee shop I love to go to whenever I want to have coffee outside. The owner here became my good friend already because she allows me to use the back part of the coffee shop that looks like a secret garden.

I invited the cleaner to come with me so I can treat her. She refused at first but I kept insisting.

After we ordered, I saw on her face how amazed she is of the place.

"You never told me your name." I said after indulging my coffee.

"Uhm. I just thought you're not interested to know." She said and looked down.

"Don't be shy. This is just me." I said.

"I— I am Lisa. Lisa Manoban." She said shyly.

"Lisa. Nice name." I said and smiled at her. Oh my god! She is sweating.

"Why don't you remove your leather jacket first." I told her.

"I'm fine. I can't remove it. I'm just wearing a tank top inside." She said.

"Hmm? Your uniform earlier has long sleeves and now you are still covering your arms. Are you hiding something?" I asked. That's just a joke to make her comfortable with me.

"Yes." But she is serious.

Oh. What is she hiding?

I noticed that she is not comfortable with the topic so I just kept quiet and diverted my attention to a notification from my phone.

Rosé sent me a photo of that person who save me that night. It's still loading. So someone really took a snap. I thought no one ever cared.

"Have you heard about the other night? Thank god someone saved me from those shutter people. I posted on my socials about that person who saved me but I don't believe those who are claiming. I hope she'll appear on my very face so I can thank—."


Oh shit! The photo suddenly appeared on my phone and it's her.

This person right in front of me.

I looked at her and I know that she knows what are my thoughts right now.

She swallowed her saliva and stared straight to my eyes. Her eyes are like melting ice.

"You?" I asked calmly.

She nodded.

"Please don't be afraid of me, Ma'am. I am not a bad person. I am not a stalker. I was just passing through that street and then I saw you getting harassed by paparazzi." She is apologizing.

Oh! Those melting eyes that melts me too. What?

We couldn't talk for a while. She waited for me to speak a word.

"Thank you. You just don't know how lucky I was that night that you were there. I don't know what's going to happen to me next. Crash my car. Picked up by random people. You know. So yeah, thank you, Lisa!" I am sincerely grateful.

"You're welcome. I think we must go now. I guess your car is fixed already." She said.

She's right. I got a message form the mechanic that I can pick up my car already.

We rode her bike again and she dropped me off at the shop.

I am happy that I got to meet the person who saved me. But I was so stupid for not asking her number.

Why would I ask for her number? Ugh!

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