Chapter 40 - Angel

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I just got back from a business dinner with Mr. Monroe. As Client Management Director I'm required to go with Mr. Monroe in all the initial meetings and after the contract signing, I take over and assign the accounts to my team. I won't lie, it's amazing but tiring as well. Which is exactly what I need after Axel decided to ghost me. Seeing Alice tonight and knowing that Axel was there with her but didn't come to say hi to me hurt a lot. She looked happy to see me and it brought back a lot of memories, I miss her. I miss him. But the only thing that keeps me hanging on is the fact that I know he's working on himself for us.

I was about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door. I went to open and it was Axel. He looked amazing. I couldn't help myself. I pulled him in a hug and started kissing him from his neck to his lips. He melted into me. I jumped and clung to him, I heard him close the door and I didn't care how. He moved from my lips to my neck and the next thing I know, we're on my bed and he's taking his clothes off then mine. We're not saying anything to each other because we don't have to.

I heard a condom being torn but couldn't focus because his tongue was on my nipple. They were so hard for him. He entered me in a rush making me arch my back as I welcomed him. His thrusts were sloppy like he was craving me as much as I craved him. I kissed his lips with all that I had making us cum at the same time. It was magical as always.

"I missed you so much", I said and it was like I brought him back to reality. He got out of bed and started getting dressed. "Axel, what's going on? Where are you going?", I asked and he finally stopped and looked into my eyes with guilt. "You didn't come here cause you missed me did you?", I asked making him swallow hard. I got out of bed and put on my pajamas then looked at him. "Can we talk?", "Isn't that what we're doing now?", I asked feeling used. "In the living room please", he said calmly. I walked past him and head to the kitchen counter. I figured he was going to say something to piss me off, might as well seat close to the exit.

"Angel I'm sorry for everything. I just want you to know that I love you so much but... I can't do this anymore. What I'm trying to say is... you're too good for me and I just think that we should go our separate ways", he said looking at me in the eyes. I was expecting something bad but not to a 'breaking up' level bad. I was speechless. I have been waiting for him for a whole month and what I get in return is him breaking up with me after having the best sex I've had in a month! Huh... "Angel says something", he pleaded. I licked my teeth and walked to the door. I opened it and waited for His Majesty to get a hint and get the fuck out of my house.

He looked at the door and then at me. I remained quiet. I think my body just shut down and I didn't mind one bit. He walked out with his head low. I slammed the door in his face before he could make a comeback.

😝Olympia bitches😝 (WhatsApp Group)

Me: So I just got dumped today OFFICIALLY.

Lily: What're you talking bout?

Me: Axel came to tell me it's over.

Iris: We're coming.

Me: 👍🏾

"Angel, are you sure you're ok?", Iris asked looking worried. "It's ok to cry you know", Lily added. My friends tried to get a reaction over me but there was none. "Can we just sleep? It's late and we have work tomorrow", I said and they nod.


"Angel, you have a visitor", my assistant told me making me furrow my brows but nod anyways. I wasn't expecting anyone. Rachel walked in looking sharp in her suit. "Hi, Rachel. Welcome", I said and she smiled. She actually smiled at me.

She looked around as if she was admiring the office then turned to me. "This is a nice office Angel", she said. "Rachel, why are you here?", I asked hoping to get it over with. "Allison fought with her father yesterday, I had to go pick her up. Now I'm not saying I don't appreciate my child wanting me to come to her rescue but those two never fight. They're thick as theaves so imagine my shock when Allison and I finally have our first real mother-daughter talk and I find out the damage that I've caused in your relationship. I'll be honest with you Angel at first I didn't like you but after hearing how my daughter talks about you and the things you've had to endure with Axel, all I can say is, I'm sorry", she said with tears in her eyes. I stood up and went to her side, I pulled her in a hug which startled her but she hugged me back and cried on my shoulder.

"It's ok Rachel. I don't hold grudges so don't worry about it", I said with a smile. "I know. Allison told me but your boyfriend does so...", she said with a chuckle. "Oh, we're not together anymore. He dumped me yesterday so... yeah" I said trailing off. She looked shocked. "Are fucking kidding me?", she asked looking pissed. "Noup!", I said. "I'm so sorry Angel, I didn't know", she said looking guilty. "It's ok Rachel. It's for the best", I said then walked her out and I could feel Iris and Lily looking at us but ignored them. "Thank you for coming Rachel. It means a lot", "Thank you. Let's hang out sometime ok?", she said getting into a fancy car that was waiting for her.

"What the hell was she doing here?", Lily asked looking pissed. "Did she come to rub it on your face?", Iris asked. "No guys, she came to apologise for how rude she has been with me. She didn't even know that Axel broke up with me", I explained and they visibly relaxed. "Rachel! Apologised? That woman has an ego that can fit in this building", Iris said. "Yap, but one thing can make it all go away in seconds. Alice", I said making them smile. "Speaking of Alice, are you going to stay in touch with her?", Lily's question made me think. "I don't know". "Hey, we'll figure it out, everything will be ok in time Angel", Iris said then hugged me. Each of us went back to work making sure that life went on despite the pain I was feeling deep inside me.

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