Chapter 17 - Axel

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I'm currently sitting in the conference room with my Lawyer waiting for Rachel and her Attorney friend. Yeah, I'm sure she thought I did not know that we went to the same college as the woman. "Are you good Boss? I need you to keep your cool for this to work", Michael asked. I knew he would because when it comes to Alice, I'm very sensitive. The truth is, I know I have a temper but I always try to focus that aggression towards something else like work or just having a chat with my daughter and now Angel. "We're good Michael", I replied pulling out my phone. I was about to text Angel when Rachel decided to grace us with her presence. The truth is I was tired of pretending she had power over me and hitting my daughter was the last straw I was looking for. 

"Good afternoon, may I know why we're meeting here and not at court as the letter instructed?", Michael asked with a serious face. "Well, I believe that we're family and we can settle this without any ruckus, right my love?", Maxwell asked Rachel who was clearly fuming. "Yes. I'm sorry I overreacted", she said avoiding my eyes and focusing on Michael. "Ok then. If that's the case this should be a simple thing to settle. My client is requesting full custody of Alice Bane. We would appreciate it if she moves to her new accommodations effective immediately", Michael said relaxing on his chair. I could have sworn I saw smoke coming out of Rachel's ears as she stood up and turn to me, looking at me for the first time. "Are you fucking crazy? She's my daughter!", she shouted. I remained quiet leaving Michael to handle the situation as he requested. "I believe the word you wanted to use was "our" as in the daughter of both you and my client", "Shut up Michael!", she spat, her lawyer urged her to sit and she did, still panting. "Axel, I believe that you see how important it is for Alice to have a mother figure at this point", Maxwell had to open his mouth. My hands turned into fists, when Michael saw this he gestured for me to keep it together which I was praying for and hoping that would work.

 "Rachel, can you enlighten us on something...why was Alice admitted to the hospital more than once to be treated for bruises that were claimed to come from falling even though the doctor said that I was caused by a more intentional act let's say something like a slap?" When Michael asked that I saw her covering her shock and turning to Maxwell who was looking at the other side. "I don't know what you're talking about", she said acting confident. "I was hoping you would say that, this should be able to jog your memory...I hope", he gave her lawyer the folder that had all the photos and hospital reports that Leo was able to get for me. "Now, I believe we are ready to settle this outside the court because we all know if she is asked to testify then you will not get a chance to even have a potential future with your daughter, don't you agree Rachel?", Michael said with a sarcastic smile he always has when he is sure the opponent has no way out. "FINE! But don't come back to me once you fail to provide for her because this time around I promise you, I will not feel any pity for you", she said storming out of the conference room with Maxwell following her like a lost puppy. 

"Thanks, man!", I told Michael shaking his hand. "Just doing my job", he said the same answer as always making me smile. "Leo, are you there yet?", "Entering the gate as we speak, I will have her home by dinner time", he said making my smile grow even bigger. My girl was coming home and it was the most amazing feeling that I've had in days. Michael and I returned to the office to finish the work that I had to park just to fix the 'Rachel' situation.

👼🏾 : Hi handsome. Guess what?

Me: You're naked and you want to have phone sex?

👼🏾: 😋 tempting but no. I made a reservation for us tonight in the Dining Room. My treat.

Me: Crap Angel. I can't make it tonight I'm sorry I have to sort some stuff with Alice.

👼🏾: Oh ok...that's ok.

Me: I will make it up to you ok?

👼🏾: Yap.

By that answer, I knew she was disappointed. I tried calling her but she didn't pick up. So I decided that it was best that I just dedicate the rest of the day to Alice. I knew she would be excited. I was happy to see that I was right because when I got home there was large music playing and her in the middle of the living room dancing like a crazy person. 

I turned the volume down making her turn. Her face lit up and I just knew that it was worth it. I hugged her as if my life depended on it. "Thank you, Dad, I love you", she said with tears in her eyes. I cried too hugging her again and kissing her forehead. The moment took me back to when I held her for the very first time promising myself that she was my whole world and that I would give her the best life. I finally made my dream come true and I was going to do it. I was going to love our daughter for both of us. 

I didn't care if Rachel would one day change her mind and realise what she gave away all I cared about was that I was under one roof with my amazing baby girl and I was going to cherish every minute of it. "Dad, I thought Angel would be here too", "She will but I just wanted us to be alone today, just you and me like the old days", "That's an awesome idea...A movie marathon it is", she said with excitement making me laugh. "Let me go get changed then I'll take care of the snacks, deal?", I said while heading to my bedroom. "Deal", she said dropping herself on the couch. I went to my room trying my best to focus but my mind kept going back to Angel. The place she mentioned was expensive so for her to take me there it had to be a special occasion, I wondered what it was as I finished taking a shower.

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