Chapter 20 - Angel

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"Wake up sleeping beauty, breakfast is ready", Iris said from the door and the word breakfast made my tummy rumble with excitement. I woke up and practically ran to the kitchen where I found Anthony setting up the table ready for breakfast. He looked nice as a homey person, I don't doubt that he will be an amazing husband. I hugged him from behind. 

"Good morning tiny person", he said reminding me that I was small and making me laugh. "Good one babes! I'm keeping that", Iris said placing pancakes and bacon on the table. My mouth watered. "Leave it Angel to ignore hurtful comments when she sees food on the table", she said pulling a chair for me. I rolled my eyes at her taking a pancake and shoving it in my mouth. 

There was a knock on the door, Anthony turned to Iris as if questioning whether or not to open it. "Iris, did you tell Axel I was here?", I asked accusingly, she avoided my eyes. I released a breath when Anthony went to open the door. As expected Axel entered the room looking sexy as always in his amazing suit. When our eyes met I saw his face, he looked tired that told me he hadn't slept. It was that obvious. He sat opposite of me and I knew he was looking at me but I focused on my plate. When I was done, I went to the guest room that I slept in with him following me like a lost puppy. I sat on the bed as he pulled a stool and sat right between my legs. He held my hands in his running his thumb around the back of my hands. 

"Angel, I know that I don't deserve you, my actions make that clear but I love you and I want to change, I just can't help but feel jealous sometimes... all the time and I promise to work on my behaviour just please, don't give up on me. Don't leave me, don't leave us because of my stupidity. I have anger issues and insecurities. I'm seeing a therapist about it. I will be better please give me a chance", when our eyes met his were watering and I felt like my heart was being ripped out. I've never seen him in such a state before and it made me feel bad. I pulled him in a hug. "Axel, I will never leave you ok? Am not her. All I need is for you to trust me... Trust me X, can you do that?", I asked holding his face in my hands hoping that he gets it. He nod his head as tears went down his cheeks, I wiped them away pulling him towards me and kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

I was woken up by my phone ringing and when I answered it, I found out it was Alice. "Hi Angel", "Hi Alice, is everything ok?", I answered trying to move but I was pulled back and that was when I remembered how Axel went all beast mode on me. "No, everything is fine I hope. Look, I know my dad can be stupid sometimes and talk a lot believe me, I've heard him say mean things to Uncle Blake, it's a miracle that they're still friends now but, I've also seen him drowning in regret. I know he has said something to you otherwise I wouldn't have found him sleeping in the living room. Please don't give up on him. I like who he is with you. I like who I am with you too but I'm scared that you may decide that we're not worth it and just walk away. I like you and I want you to be my mum, my real mum", her voice was trembling at this point and I knew it was because she was crying. "Alice, I'm not going anywhere ok? People who are in a relationship fight sometimes, it's what makes them stronger-", I said but she interrupted. "Not all the time, I've seen it and I can't risk it. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, having a friend and a mum in one person is hard to come by...even Jamie thinks so too", she said with so much hope. "Tell you what, I'll come for a sleepover later and we will have this talk face to face, is that ok?", I said hoping that will make things easier. She sniffed a couple of times. "Ok sure. See you later Angel", she said and hung up. "Thank you", a sleepy voice whispered in my ear making me smile. "Were you eavesdropping on us?", I asked turning to him. "It's not eavesdropping if we're both in bed Angel", he said kissing me on the lips, he almost deepened it and I knew what that could lead to so, I pulled back. "I'm still sore and I intend to hold on to my ability to walk baby", I said then gave him a peck on the lips making him smile.

We left Iris and Anthony's house in the evening. Passing by my apartment where I took my stuff and then left for his place. When we arrived we found Alice already waiting for us. She looked excited as usual, I hugged her. "Welcome home", she said and I nod in agreement as her Dad took my bag to the bedroom. "Is everything ok? You don't have to be here if you don't want to", she told me making me hug her again. "Water under the bridge", I assured her then kissed the top of her head. When Axel returned, he was dressed casually in sweatpants and a t-shirt, we sat and ate while Alice told me about school. Axel kept hugging me without a reason, my guess is he missed me but didn't want to make it obvious to his daughter. "So Dad, this came for you...congratulations", Alice said handing Axel the folder. When he opened it we found out it was an invite to an award ceremony in which he was being awarded as Agriculture Game Changer Pioneer and Economic Influencer of the Year. I was so happy for him that I joined Alice in a happy dance that made him laugh. "You two are a recipe for disaster", he said putting the folder away and taking another slice of pizza. "You love us!", Alice said hugging her dad.

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