Chapter 9 - Angel

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"Dad! You're here!", a cute girl said running towards us, she was beautiful, and had deep blue eyes and dimples just like her Father. "I know right, I missed you so much", he said holding her tight. "Oh! Alice meets Angel. Angel this is the famous Alice", he said with excitement. "Nice to meet you Alice", I said holding my hand out, she pushed it away and hugged me. I stumbled a bit but hugged back. "Thank you so much for coming. You're so beautiful, let's go", she said pulling me into the house. People were looking at us weirdly but Alice didn't seem to care. She showed me the gifts table where I placed my gift and took me to the backyard, introducing me to her friends as Axel's plus one then we sat by the pool. 

"So I need to know two things. Do you like my Dad? Like, like like him? And second, my mother can be a bitch sometimes but are you willing to look past that because I've never seen Dad this happy all my life and I really want you and him to work out", she spoke too fast that was hard to focus. It was obvious that she was afraid of her Mother but calling her a bitch didn't sit well with me. "Well Alice, for starters please don't call your Mother such names, are we clear on that? No matter how mean she is do not call her that ok? Promise me", "Am sorry... I won't, I promise", she answered in a hurry as if she was afraid that she would anger me. I released a breath when I knew she was being honest. 

"I do like your Father and he makes me happy too. I think I can handle your Mother so don't worry ok?", I assured her then lightly squeezed her hand. "Ok. Thank you for bringing him here. I know he hates being here because Mum always finds ways to embarrass him but this time around I know he agreed because of you so, thank you", she said pulling me in another hug. "You're welcome. Can you take me back to him please, I feel like I might get lost", I said standing up. She led me back inside where we found him talking to another man who was on the serious side. "Hi Max, this is Angel, Dad's plus one", Alice said and the man turned to me, checking me out. I wouldn't blame him because I was on the curvy side and even though I was a plus size all my junk was in the right places. "Hello Angel, welcome to our home", he said with a smile that I bet got him in a lot of panties but unfortunately I liked my men on the tall side. 

"Axel? Tell me my eyes are deceiving me", we turned to see a woman coming down the stairs looking like a goddess, she was the true definition of elegance. She was a size zero but intimidating as fuck. She was indeed beautiful. "In the flesh. Hi Rachel", Axel said with a sarcastic tone. "Hi and welcome. I see you brought a friend", she said looking at me like I was a bug. I didn't mind, I was in her house. "Well... she's my girlfriend and I wanted her to meet Alice", "I don't remember having a plus one for you on the list", she said calling a maid. "There wasn't Mum. I invited her", Alice said. "Oh, very well then, enjoy the party, Max let's go greet our 'invited' guests", she said pulling the man who didn't stop looking at me. "Dad? Are you ok?", Alice asked her father with concern. I was worried too. He looked hurt. "Am fine Princess, we will find somewhere to sit just go be with your friends ok?", he said kissing her forehead. We found a less crowded corner, it was by the pool and sat. "Axel, you sure you're ok?", "Yes am good Angel". "We can leave anytime you want ok?", "Shouldn't I be telling you that?", he teased making me laugh.

"Presents time!", Rachel shouted. Everyone gathered in the living room. Axel made sure we stood as far as possible. His hands were sweaty, I knew he was nervous because of the types of gifts people were giving her but Alice didn't look excited, her Mother did. Our box was the last. "To our Princess, Happy birthday - AA", when she finished reading her eyes connected with Axel and mine and a smile appeared on her face. She opened the gift at record speed. Her eyes went wide, "No way, you didn't! OMG!! Jamie's a Canon 5D Mark IV!", she said showing her friends who obviously knew she loved it and they kept high-fiving each other. She started taking pictures of people, everyone joining in the fun. "I need to go to the ladies' room" I said leaving him at the same spot.

"Listen to me and listen carefully. I don't want my baby anywhere near that woman, if you want to see Alice, you will do just that, don't forget what I did for you, I fed you, I sheltered you when you had nothing, just because you have fancy clothes now doesn't change a single thing. You're still a naive man who thought they'll ever make it in the corporate world but let's face it, you're nothing and you will always be nothing", I stood waiting to hear Rachel spill her toxic words. She was crazy if she thought that I was going to stand and let her get away with it. I waited until she was done and when I saw her go up the stairs I followed her. "You have an amazing house Rachel", "Oh, thank you Angie", "It's Angel to you. I heard what you told Axel. When I saw you, I thought you were an amazing woman who was able to stand by her man even when he had nothing but after hearing the things you said to him just because your daughter liked his gift better than yours, I change my mind. That is so low Rachel, even for you. Now let me make this very clear to you. I love Axel and Alice and am not going anywhere. You don't know me neither do you want to, so before you threaten him again think about this face because I swear to you on my dead Grandmother, I will make your life a living hell, are we clear?", she nodded her head furiously making me smile wickedly.

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