Chapter 3 - Angel

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You can do this, it's just a gym. They are just people. I tried giving myself a pep talk before walking into the gym. I decided to give it a try. Suddenly someone sat next to me, it looked like they were in a hurry to get to class. "Sorry", they said obviously noticing that they startled me. I lifted my head to look at them, i met a set of deep blue eyes that held me in place. We just looked at each other without blinking as if nothing else existed. Someone cleared their throat making us turn to them. It was my trainer and Iris's friend. "Come on baby girl", he said after looking at the guy next to me then me then smirked. I stood up and followed him. He gave me a tour then took me to the aerobics class. The hype they had was amazing, I remained at the back trying my best to keep up but my thought kept going back to the deep blue eyes. I lasted thirty minutes, I sneaked back to the same spot just to catch some air. "Peace offering", the most amazing deep voice said putting a bottle of water on my face. I accepted nervously. Watching him sit, he was so sweaty and not in his suit anymore which was even worse because I could see his muscles and tattoos clearly. They were beautiful. "A fan of tattoos?", he asked with a smile and of course, he had to have dimples. "They're ok", I replied drinking the water he gave me, just to avoid dealing with the embarrassment of being caught checking him out. "Am Axel, you are?", he asked officially turning to see me properly. I cleared my throat and then turned too. He had the most amazing body, why was he here anyway? " Angel", my name made him smile even wider. "Beautiful... Is it your first time here?", "That obvious huh?", my answer made him chuckle, the best sound ever created. Angel focus! "I could be your partner, you know... making sure you don't sneak out. Watcha say?", "Is that even a real thing?", that made him laugh. "Yes it is... so how about it?", "Ok, I think that will be helpful. Let's do it", I replied knowing very well that I was giving up my sneaking-out ticket. "There's a condition though... no dance classes", now it was my turn to laugh, an image of this giant dancing in the middle of tiny women was just too much. "You have a nice laugh Angel", he said with a serious face that made me swallow hard. This man is just something else, he had this aura that made me want to submit to him. "So partner, give me your phone", he said and I did. He saved the numbers in both our phones and returned mine to me. "There, I need to go finish my sets, see you tomorrow partner?", he said standing up, he was indeed a giant, a very sexy giant. "Yes, see you tomorrow", I said going to my locker, I was done for the day.

"How was the gym session?", Lily asked, "Oh it was really good, someone caught the eyes of a sexy gym member that the whole gym thought was a monk", Iris said before I could answer making us both turn to her. "Is there anything about me that you don't know?", I asked Iris. "No Love, I'm your fairy godmother, I know everything. So who is this lucky bastard", she asked settling down. "Well his name is Axel and he wants me to be his gym partner, that's all", "Girl please, that is code for I want you to be my girl, everyone knows that", Lily said making me laugh. "What's so funny?", she asked with furrowed brows. "You obviously, have you seen this guy? He is like a ten and I a two, a solid two! he just feels pity for me so he wants to cheer me up nothing more", I assured him but it was my chance to be laughed at. "Angel, trust me you are a ten and am willing to bet that this Axel guy will put some sense into that thick skull of yours", she said walking back to her cube.

My phone rang furiously as I tried to complete the tasks on my table. I was so focused that I picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID. "This is Angel Carwyn", "Hey partner, you're late, should I be worried?", I froze, what time was it? "Oh crap! I will be there in ten minutes", I hung up not waiting for his answer. I switched off my computer and basically ran out of the office. I was there in twenty minutes. I found Axel waiting for me already in his gym clothes. "Hi, am sorry I got carried away at work. I'll be right back", I said rushing to the locker room. He smiled with amusement. Great, it seems like the only thing I can do in front of him is embarrass myself. I got changed in record time and got out. "What?", "You forgot your glasses", he said removing them from my hair. I blushed while taking them from him, we both pulled away when we felt a spark, it was kinda weird, I went to my locker, again and put the glasses in my bag. "There! Let's do this", I said with determination making him smile. We did aerobics this time around I was able to finish the whole session, with Axel's help, whenever I wanted to walk out, he encouraged me to keep going and I did. Then we went to do weightlifting. I sat and counted while he lifted. Yap! I was not about to break my bones with those hideous-looking things. People were looking at us like we were crazy. He noticed and told me not to give them any attention. But I was always self-conscious so I ended up doing exactly what he told me not to. When he finished I went back to my locker and took a shower. I put on my maxi dress ready to leave. He was talking to Anthony the gym owner, my trainer who mysteriously bailed on me and Iris's friend. "Not a problem man Alice can come here anytime", Anthony said then wrote something down. "Hey partner, there is a cafe downstairs wanna grab a sandwich before leaving?", he asked with hope in his eyes. "Sure", I said then waved at Anthony on my way out.

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