Chapter 30 - Axel

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"Angel, I'm sorry. I know I'm always the screw-up in this relationship but I promise you that I love you and your it for me", I said waiting to see her reaction. "What if love is not enough Axel? What if saying the three words is not enough for me? What if having amazing sex is not enough huh?", she was shaking and I knew it was because of the anger and frustration that I'd caused her. 

"Then I'll give you more. Anything you want name it and it'll be yours, Angel. I can't lose you, baby. I need you", "Not as much as you need your job apparently", she said crossing her hands on her boobs. It made me swallow hard. She noticed and unfolded her hands. "Am I ever going to be more than just a fuck buddy to you?", the pain in her eyes when she said the words was too much. I pulled her to my chest. "You're not my fuck buddy... you're my girlfriend", I said holding her tighter. "Then why don't I feel important to you? Why don't you love me enough to extend the courtesy of sending a text when you think you're running late or your going somewhere or your going to be late? Why don't you feel the need to tell me anything? I want to feel important I want your time!! Is it too much for me to ask??", she pleaded after pulling away from me. 

"I'll change Angel, I'll become better... I'll do anything to make you happy. I swear to you", I said hoping she will believe me because god knows I can't live without this woman. "Do you promise?", she said looking at me in the eyes. "I promise you, baby. With every fiber of my being". "Then make love to me", she said surprising me. I pushed her onto the bouncy sofa that was in the room and kneeled in front of her. I took her panties off and put them in my pocket exposing her wet pussy on my face. The sight made me thirsty.

"Fuck! That was oh!", she tried explaining how she felt but failed when I suddenly pulled her to the edge of the sofa ready to eat her up making me smile. Her phone started ringing and when she looked at it, it was Iris. "You better not miss me cutting the cake. Get back here!", she shouted clearly drunk making us laugh. "I guess we better get back there", she said biting her lower lip. "Yeah... we should", I said adjusting my pants to hide the bulge. "I can take care of it", "I know and you will", I said pulling her out of the room.

"Knox! Fuck! it is you. I thought T was drunk or something", I turned to meet my ex-best friend from college. Travis. We used to be tight then he slept with the girl I had a crush on intentionally. Yeah, long story on its own.

"Travis Cozwell. It's been a while", I said shaking his hand. "You two know each other?", Angel asked making Travis' smile wider. His eyes danced between me and her then our interlocked fingers and before he said anything the guy from earlier appeared. Of course, he is the fucking brother. "Yes, we went to college together. Waoh!... this feels familiar don't you think?", he said and all I saw was red. "Relax. I didn't mean it how you interpreted it. Angel is our account manager at Olympia. Isn't that right Angel?", he asked and the both of them turned to my girl. "Yap. Baby let's go. It's cake time", she said then gave me a peck on the lips while pulling me away.

I joined Blake and Anthony at the bar. Blake's eyes were still on Lily. "Did you talk to her?", "Hell no, I need her alone, when his woman is not around. His statement made Anthony furrow his brows. "They hate each other", i explained making Anthony laugh. "Not surprised. They both lost breaks to their mouths. They say what's in their minds no matter where they are", he said making me agree and laugh as Blake rolled his eyes at us. 

"What's with the giants?", Blake asked. "You don't remember him? It's Travis Cozwell. The Tina incident?", that made his face light up. "Son of a gun! I knew that face was familiar. He better not touch Angel", he warned making me smile. Finally, my best friend likes my girlfriend. Never thought I'd see the day. "I guess Angel is the one huh? You were never this protective with Rachel", I teased. "Rachel who?", he asked making us laugh again.

"Baby, I wanna go home. My feet are killing me", Iris told Anthony seductively. "Ok baby, let me clear the bill then we can bounce", he said with a smile. "No need. Travis took care of it as a birthday gift. He's the sweetest. Carry me", she said and did the puppy dog eyes. "Why the fuck would he do that?", Anthony asked clearly pissed. "It's his Club baby. He can do whatever he wants I guess. Let's go", she said then jumped in his arms. He caught her with ease. "Fellas see ya!", he said walking out. "Taking Lily home?", I asked Blake who had an evil smile on his face. "Yes sir", he said standing up.

"Ladies, your chariots awaits", Blake said making Lily giggle. Yap, he was getting lucky tonight. I helped Angel off the bar stool, she held on to my hand as we walked to the parking lot in a peaceful silence. I opened the door for her. 

"I'm sorry for being too obsessed with work", I said after driving for a couple of minutes. "It's ok Axel. I just want you to know that I'm not Rachel. I don't care if you don't have money and you live in a one-bedroom apartment. I just want to be with you. I want you", she said while pulling my free hand between hers. "I know, I know. I'll be better. For our family", "Good because we are leaving for Christmas on the 24th so you better clear your schedule because Mum will blackmail you forever if you don't make it for Christmas", she said with a smile. I pulled her knuckles to my lips and kissed them. "I wouldn't dare. I have to ask though. Are we going to sleep in the same room? And sex, can we still have sex?", I asked making her giggle. "Yes, but I'm not so sure about the latter because you can't keep it down even if your life depended on it", she said reminding me of how right she is. I always go for the pillow or bitting some part of her to hold back from groaning too loud.

When LOVE is not EnoughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora