Chapter 50 - Angel

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I've been feeling like crap since morning. I don't know what's wrong with me. I was going to proceed with my normal coffee routine until I was reaching for my panties and saw unused tampons. I rushed to my phone to see why I hadn't used them yet and as suspected, I was late by seven days. Oh my god...

"Are you ok? You look nervous?", Iris asked the moment I walked past her. She followed me to my office and closed the door. "Yes, I am. I am late by a week!", I said while dumping myself on the sofa. "Do you think you're pregnant?", she asked with shock. "I think so, I mean, what other explanation is there? I have a pregnancy test in my purse. I'm about to go find out in the ladies' room", I shared my plan. "Ok, let's go", she said opening the door for me. "I'm not going with you. You guys stay here and look out in case Wade shows up. I don't want him to know until I'm sure", I said and she looked at me like I grew two heads. "Lily will stay. She's better at keeping her mouth shut, on the other hand, you can never rely on me, you know that", she said as a matter of fact. She was right. We went to the toilets and I did as instructed on the box, now we're sitting and waiting for the tests to show us if I'm pregnant or not.

"What will you do if it's positive?", she asked clearly excited more than I was. "I'm definitely keeping the baby, I don't care if he wants it or not", I said with determination. "Not want it? Are you kidding me? I've never seen someone so in love like Wade is, trust me he's not going anywhere", she said making me feel less tense. The time was up and we checked the stick and it showed that I was pregnant.

"Oh my god! I'm gonna be an aunty, I'm an aunty!", Iris said with a happy dance. "Keep it down, will you? I don't want the whole building to find out", I whisper yelled making her keep quiet. "Oops! I'm sorry. It's just too exciting", she said then pulled me in a hug.

I waited until after lunch hours and went to his office. He welcomed me with a toe-curling kiss making me moan. When my senses returned, I gave him the test, not trusting myself with words. "I'm sorry I wasn't careful", I said after seeing he was too quiet. "What are you talking about Angel? We were having sex without condoms this was inevitable. You don't want the baby?", he asked looking confused. I guess I expected him to react differently. "What are you talking about? Of course, I want the baby. I'm excited to have a baby with you", I said the last part clearly blushing. It made him chuckle. "Good, then you don't need to apologise for something that we both want. I hope it's a girl though, which one do you want?", he said clearly in the same excitement wagon as Iris. "I want a boy probably the one that has your eyes, I love your eyes", I said and I was suddenly pulled into a kiss.

"Since I'm the Carwyn's favourite, I think I should be the one to announce this", Wade said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him. He was right. My parents did tend to forget that I was their real child when Wade was around. But who am I to complain either way, we wanted someone to tell them the news before they heard it from Iris or Lily. "You know what? You can call them and tell them, I don't mind. I'll be the one to tell everyone else though, agreed?", I asked and he nod.

He made a video call as soon as we reached home and Mum answered. She looked hyped as usual. "Hi Esme, how are you?", Wade said with me standing right behind him. "I'm fine my dear how are you two?", she said with a huge smile. "We're good, just pregnant nothing more", he said playfully while showing her the pregnancy test. "Michael, where are you? come quick! You won't believe what Wade just told me". Dad came rushing in looking like he just ran miles. "They're pregnant!", Mum shouted making Dad smile widely. "That's great news. Congratulations!", he said looking at Wade. "Thank you, guys"! He said with a proud smile. "Thank you, Dad, this is amazing and I'm very grateful. I can't wait for you to see me in a baby bum how weird is that?", my comment made them laugh.

Doing a video call with my parents was amazing. I got to see them actually on the camera and not failing when it comes to connecting it. There was a time that mom even complained saying that their laptop was broken only to discover that she didn't switch on the camera. They are experts at the moment so I'm not worried about seeing the ceiling anymore.

"This is very hard to believe I can't wait to be a grandma", "Thanks Mum that means a lot", I said while hugging Wade from behind. Yes, it was possible because he was sitting. "We have to go now, we have some stuff to attend to", Wade said waving at Mum and Dad. "Sure thing thank you for telling us we're so happy for you guys", Dad said then hung up.

I was pulled to Wade's front then got my lips devoured out of nowhere. I ended up kissing him back instantly. There was something different about the way he did it that made me soaking wet. "We're ordering in tonight", he said and all I could see and hear was him making me see the stars ASAP.

"You're not listening are you?", he asked while moving my hair away from my face making me nod. It made him laugh. "It's pizza ok?", he asked pulling his phone from his pants. "Yes", I said as he told his driver to go buy us dinner. I started kissing his neck while he was on the phone. It startled him. He struggled to concentrate on his call. "You're gonna pay for that", he said standing up. I circled my legs on his waist as we went to bed.

The way he moved on my body was so smooth and sexy. It made the room temperature rise in a good way. All I can say is making love to Wade was way better that fucking him. It was slow, precise, and exotic at the same time. The way he ate me like his last meal made me moan. He made me reach my orgasm five times. He held me like I was a treasure that he couldn't live without. When he whispered 'I love you' in my ear, I surrendered to him in a blink of an eye. I had no idea he knew all my weak spots the way he did. He's so amazing. "I love making love to you", I said making him smile.

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