Chapter 15 - Angel

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I heard an alarm going off. It was so annoying. I don't remember having an alarm that was so loud. I opened my eyes only to see the deep blue ones looking back at me. I smiled recalling where I was. "Good morning Angel", he said with a sleepy voice. I pulled myself closer to him, kissing him passionately. He pulled me even closer and then hovered over me. I released a breath when he entered me. He looked me in the eyes making me feel even more connected to him, I don't know how or when but we sort of stopped using condoms and I was on a pill so that was the only reason why I wasn't losing my mind. But I think we just felt like we could trust each other so we ignored it. "You feel so good", he whispered in my ear making me moan. "Mmmnh! I love your cock X... make love to me", I said then bit his jaw lightly and suddenly, it was like he got possessed. He started drilling me without mercy making me scream in pleasure until we both reached our high. "Fuck! I don't think I will ever get tired of making love to you Angel", he confessed making me pull him in another kiss just to be interrupted by another alarm, this time it was a familiar tone.

"Now that's the alarm that we need to listen to", he said pulling back, making me whimper. He chuckled pulling me out of bed with him. We took a shower and it felt natural how we were able to share the same space comfortably. His phone rang when we were getting dressed and by the way his face changed, I knew it was not a good call. He went to another room to pick it up. I finished getting dressed and waited for him to come back because he was not done but he didn't come back so I went to the living room.

I found Axel pacing across his amazing living room, he looked like he was trying to control himself. "Did you fucking know?", he shouted at me making me flinch. "What?", I was so confused. "Did you know that she was hitting my daughter?", crap! "Axel, that's not my story to tell", I tried reasoning with him but it was clear that he was not going to listen. "Story? Do you think this is a joke? Angel, Alice is my daughter and she is fucking fourteen! You have no right to keep something like that from me!", he shouted, I felt anger starting to build in me. I was here for her when he was not and he dares to say I had no right. "Axel, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that but I don't appreciate being treated like a child. I was the one that had to drive all the way to your crazy ex's house to go and get Alice away from her in the middle of the night while you were not reachable. I had to make her feel loved. I took care of her like she was my own not because I thought it was a 'joke' but because I know she means the world to you so don't stand there and tell me what's right for her and what's not because god knows I love Alice as much as you do!", I didn't realise that I was crying at this point and when I did, I stormed back to the bedroom to gather my things. I knew he was looking at me but I didn't care. I called a cab and went to work. I needed a distraction and am sure work was the right place to be.

"Angel, you're needed by Mr. Monroe", Luke from Finance told me. I wondered why I was being called. It had been a while since Mr. Monroe and I met so I was curious. When I went to his office I was surprised to see Daren. He looked smart in his suit like he always did, but I ignored him. "Good morning Sir", "Good morning Angel, how are you, my dear?", "Very well. How can I be of service?", I asked not wanting to waste time. "Actually, it's Daren who needs your help", he said gesturing to his son. I turned to face the man that I had not seen for years with good reason, he didn't even bother to apologise after I found out about the video. The man who broke my heart and my trust. "Yes?", I asked not in the mood to sugarcoat things. "I'm trying to close a deal and I would like for you to help me. If we'll be able to close it I will give you an incentive because you are assisting as a borrowed asset so you will get a freelancer package", he said. I just nod my head. "When is the meeting? And why me?", "In an hour. The owner is a gym member where you go so seeing a familiar face would definitely help", how did he know which gym I went to? Was he stalking me? I had so many questions but decided to park them for later. "Ok then". I went to my table and took my stuff following him to the reception. It was a silent drive.

"Welcome to Knox Produce International", the receptionist told us when we arrived at the most beautiful building I've ever seen. It was covered with mirrors. The logo was earthy and beautiful, there were screens all over the place showing different products, farmer's markets and I even saw a supermarket. All in all, I was impressed. "Thank you, we're here to meet Mr. Knox", Daren told the lady, when she checked her schedule and saw his name, she gave us security passes and then directed us to the elevators. "Please proceed to the twentieth floor", she said with a huge smile on her face. "Angel, I'm sorry", Daren started talking when the elevator doors closed. "Daren, I don't think this is the time nor place for us to talk about this so please focus because the only reason that I'm even here is because your Father asked nicely", I said adjusting my clothes ready for the meeting ahead of us.

We were directed to a meeting room where we sat and waited for Mr. Knox, whoever he is. He seemed like a powerful man, but after remembering what I just saw in the adverts that played on the screens I would not question it one bit. If Daren will get this deal then he would be on the top constructors list for sure.

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