Every End is a New Beginning

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“It’s time, for us all to return back to our world, Xiao Yuan." Wei Ying whispered in a thick voice, smiling through his tears as he wiped the tears rolling down his Xiao Yuan and Omega Jin Ling’s cheeks, "We wish you both a very happy married life ahead, children. Have a blessed future full of love, care and lots of sweet and loving children!”

“Please! Please, ge, stay for a few more days, Beautiful gege! I waited to meet you for nineteen long years! Can’t you stay with me for just nineteen weeks?! I promise I won’t ask for anything else from you.

Please, gege, I love you. I …need you!” Xiao Yuan sniffled, wrapping his arms around Wei Ying, hugging him closer to his heart, tightly

Wei Ying chuckled, wiping his tears and asked, “Then don’t you want your gift? The one that will help you see me and talk to me whenever you want?”

“No! I know you’re lying, Beautiful gege. There’s no such gift or else you’d have given me long ago. In the past few days, I've asked you a million times, searched all your belongings and even asked Lan Yun and AQing about it but even they don’t have the slightest bit of any idea about it!

It... it only means that you don’t have it! And t-trust me, I’m not upset about it! It’s not something like a simple call to some alienated area in the world but we are literally talking about two different dimensions! So, please, can you stay here for a little more time, for me?” Xiao Yuan begged, weakly

Tch! I’m so very disappointed by your blatant lack of confidence in my superb capability, Xiao Yuan!” Wei Ying pouted, raising his hand towards his husband who placed a small red pendant-like talisman in his Wei Ying’s palm, happily, excited to return to Jingshi and finally have his beautiful Wei Ying all to himself after twenty-one long days of waiting.

Well, it’s not like he wasn’t with his Wei Ying in the last three weeks but all of his playthings and others were hidden in a secret chamber under the bed, back at Jingshi. He couldn’t have brought them along with him on this dimension travel with children, courtesy of his mischievous Wei Ying.

"Here!" Wei Ying said happily tying the handmade necklace with a small red glass-drop-like pendant having swirling flecks of gold in it, around Xiao Yuan's neck, lovingly

“Gege?!” Xiao Yuan breathed out with tears in his eyes as he caressed the mesmerizing pendant looking so similar to his Beautiful gege’s red eyes, fondly

“Yes! It’s your gift, Xiao Yuan. This blood pendant has my purified resentment energy and a bit of my immortal golden core.

With this pendant close to your heart, whenever you’d want to see me and talk to me, you just have to induce this blood pendant with your pheromones and I’d know.

And well, because of the soul-bond, my AQing would also know and if my sweet daughter allows, we might even come here in person to meet you!” Wei Ying said, looking at his sulking daughter, chuckling amusedly before whispering in his Xiao Yuan’s ear, discreetly, “Keep this blood necklace very very safe, Xiao Yuan. You must never ever let it get into the wrong hands.

As this necklace is connected to me, I’m too connected with this. You know what I mean, right?”

Xiao Yuan’s eyes widened in shock, fear, disbelief, infinite love, and determination as he wiped his tears and whispered back, “Don’t worry Beautiful gege! No matter what happens, no matter the situation or time, I’ll never ever remove this necklace from my neck. I’ll never let anyone besides my LingLing get to know about it, let alone see or touch it. I’ll protect this gift and you, with all I’ve got!” Xiao Yuan declared, clutching the small blood pendant carefully, close to his heart, protectively.

Dimensions Apart (Wangxian)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora