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"!" Alpha Lan Wangji asked slowly, word by word, gritting his teeth

"Our Little devil is the same child you tried to kill nine months ago in your modern world, Alpha Lan Wangji," Ayuan answered, glaring at the Alpha and watching his every move like a hawk for any sign of danger or sudden attacks.

Alpha Lan Wangji gently lifted his Ying'er from his lap, laid him down on the bed, next to Wei Ying and the... three-month-old baby and climbed out of the bed, trying to keep a distance between himself and the baby whom he once thought dead. 

Shot and killed with his own hands because that child was nothing but a threat to everyone in his world, especially to his Ying'er. 

A child that wasn't a product of love but something inhuman, cruel, selfish and heartless! 

A baby who is most probably the main reason why Alpha Lan Wangji's plan went wrong at the last moment! 

The reason why he had to live an insufferable life without his Ying'er for the past thirty-three months! The reason why he had to plan everything, pretend all the time, become cold-hearted, heartless, an absolute jerk and hurt his Ying'er so much that his pure and innocent heart which once throbbed with love, care and devotion only for his Zhan ge, burnt to the point of no return, leaving nothing but hatred behind. 

All to prevent this baby from coming into existence and yet...

He didn't want to do it. It wasn't his plan to kill the baby, his and Ying's baby but he was left with no choice! 

They didn't leave him with any option but to push his limits, crush his dreams, burn his desires, love and hopes into ashes and become a monster in his Ying's eyes! A monster that kills his own baby with his own hands! All because he failed!

Failed to stop them from making it happen in the first place! 

Failed to protect his Ying from their greedy clutches and covetous desires!

Failed to keep him away, safely hidden and protected, from the darkness of the world they were living in!

And yet... 

The baby lived! 

After everything Alpha Lan Wangji went through in twenty-five years of his life, after everything he lost, after everything he did and suffered, he still failed to stop them! Stop them from playing with his life and this- this child was the proof! 

A failure, laughing and mocking right in his face!

Blinded by his burning rage, frustration, despair, self-loathing and failure coursing in his veins, Alpha Lan Wangji wanted to end it once and for all!

Unable to hear the warning of Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen and even the boys who could feel his anger radiating off of him in waves, his golden eyes swirling with flames of failure locked with the baby whose similar doe-like golden eyes were suddenly wide awake and alert as they stared back at him in fear and trepidation!

However, even before Alpha Lan Wangji could take a single step in the baby's direction, he was thrown back hard against the wall, coughing out blood, his feets left the solid ground, his legs dangling as he was lifted above the floor of Jingshi and pinned to the wall by an invisible force swirling in form of thick black smoke around his neck, burning his jade-like soft smooth skin and chocking out his life!

"Were you... thinking something?" Wei Ying smirked menacingly, eyes glowing red and his eerily calm voice echoed in the silence of Jingshi as he stared at the look-alike of his Lan Zhan who was struggling to fight and free himself from the clutches of his resentment energy... in vain.

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