Spoiled Surprise

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...everything was under control but then I got distracted and suddenly he attacked me-"

"WHAT?!! HOW DARE HE ATTACK YOU?!!!" Jiang Cheng yelled, forgetting all about the sleeping bomb in Wei Ying's arms

"Jiang Cheng!!! I swear I'll hit you really hard if she starts crying again. Have some mercy on me, okay?" Wei Ying said in a low voice, swaying his arms and patting his baby's back who has fallen asleep just a while ago

Jin Ling snickered seeing his Uncle Cheng's epically sulking face after being scolded by Xian ge.

"Anyways, so Omega Wei Wuxian did attack me but somehow just before he could actually touch me, my little devil stopped feeding and turned her head to glare at him and then suddenly, I was here. 

There! I've told you everything I remember! From my lemonade craving then that sudden pain in dantian followed by delivery, my golden core, omega Wei Wuxian's attack, my own pheromones counterattack and our sudden teleportation to here, in your private chamber," Wei Ying said making his way back to the bed, "I guess I'll be occupying your living room's bed for a while, Jiang Cheng. I just hope my Lan er gege arrives here soon!"

"Xian ge?!! I don't understand. Don't you know how you came here? Didn't you teleport here yourself?" Jin Ling asked confusedly

"No, Aling. I didn't teleport here myself. I didn't even know I'd teleported here until you called my name! But, maybe I know how I came here," Wei Ying looked at his sleeping little bundle of happiness fondly and smiled, "She brought me here."

"Nonsense! How can a day-old, no wait, a few hours old baby can do such a thing, Wei Wuxian?! Use your brain!" Jiang Cheng remarked, keeping his voice as low as possible

"She's not just any baby, Jiang Cheng. You know very well what she was capable of doing, even when she was inside omega Wei Wuxian's womb, "Wei Ying said as he remembered the time just before being teleported here, "Besides, I said earlier that I can feel her emotions. When Omega attacked me, I felt that she was hurt and angry with him but...didn't want to fight and injure him. So the only thing she could do was to escape from there to somewhere safe"

"Do you...really believe it, Wei Wuxian? That she, a newborn baby, has the power to teleport not just herself but even you to somewhere safe?!!" Jiang Cheng asked incredulously, "From Cloud Recesses to Lotus Pier? A distance that takes about three days of flying to cover?

Not even a cultivator of my level can achieve such a thing, Wei Wuxian. I can teleport but it's still limited to a hundred miles. And I'm thirty-four years old! Even with Lan Xichen's level of cultivation, he needs to chant a spell in order to teleport such long distances but not without losing a large amount of spiritual energy which will deplete completely just by teleporting thrice a day!

The only person who can do this freely without any care of spiritual energy is your husband! Because he achieved immortality about a decade ago! But not without a spell. And absolutely not to a place he hasn't even seen before!" Jiang Cheng said frowning

"Woah!" Wei Ying exclaimed, silver eyes glistening with pride and admiration as he looked at his adopted brother and said, "I'm impressed, Jiang Cheng! You in your 'Sect Leader Jiang' mode look way too hot! Uncle Fengmian would be so proud of you! However, I wonder how you didn't get a wife yet," Wei Ying said, looking genuinely confused

"Because he found a husband!" Jin Ling said running behind his Xian ge for cover, who was sitting in the middle of the bed with his little devil sleeping in his lap

"YOU-Come here you brat!! Come back right now or I'll break your legs!" Jiang Cheng burned red with embarrassment, firstly by receiving such sincere words of praise and compliment from his Shixiong, his once-lost adopted brother, his friend and companion, Wei Wuxian and secondly by his brat of a nephew who revealed his secret!

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