Little Devil

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"Wei gongzi? Are you alright? Can you hear me?" Healer Fu asked omega Wei Wuxian who was staring at the ceiling with wide-open eyes

"I don't think he's fully conscious, Senior Fu. His eyes are unfocused and his response is quite slow, similar to that of a person under the influence of sleeping drugs," An apprentice informed after checking omega Wei Wuxian's vitals and his response to bright light and pain stimulations.

"It's probably because of our Wuxian's unstable spiritual energy and life force that has affected him," Healer Fu said, working professionally to safely deliver the baby from omega Wei Wuxian's womb, "It's good for us. In the absence of any pain or awareness of childbirth, it would've been difficult to deliver the baby, especially because I didn't want to cut open omega's abdomen without his permission. But now, him being awake, it will all be quite easier.

Hanguang Jun, please control yourself! Wuxian isn't leaving you. He's just in labour pain! I can't explain how, I myself don't exactly know what's happening but please, stop holding him in your arms and lay him down on the bed, now! 

Wen gongzi, can you please help Wuxian in regulating his breathing? And Wuxian, son, can you pretend that the baby is actually in your dantian and try to push it out? It really might help us," Healer Fu said as he and his apprentices performed the delivery while Wen Ning, being a brother and son of the world's best healers, used his medical knowledge and skills to ensure his Ying ge's breathing remain regulated, his body hydrated and spiritual energy, stable. He guided Wei Ying, patiently, to push the imaginary baby out of his dantian while managing a panicking and crying Lan er gongzi who looked worse than the patient, himself.

While the healers were all busy performing the delivery and Wen Ning guided his Ying'ge to keep forcing the imaginary baby out as well as reassuring the trembling Lan er gongzi, several things happened simultaneously! 

Suddenly, the infirmary filled with rays of blinding white light emitting out of Wei Ying's dantian, the burst of lotus flowers and spicy sandalwood fragrance, echoes of a long loud scream of an exhausted Wei Ying, a loud surprised gasp of omega Wei Wuxian and the vociferous, piercing cries of the newborn!

When the blinding light disappeared, all that was left behind were silent stunned faces, a fainted omega Wei Wuxian, an awkward stiffly smiling Wen Ning and an even louder wailing baby.

And just then, the extremely impatient crowd of Ayuan, Jingyi, Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren who were waiting right outside the door of the infirmary barged inside to look at the new member of their family, equally stunned!

It was Healer Fu who first regained his composure and took the crying screaming baby towards its mother and exclaimed, "Congratulations Wuxian and Hanguang Jun! You're blessed with a baby girl!" Healer Fu said placing the wailing newborn gently in tired Wuxian's arms who gasped in surprise.

"Oh my heart!!! Our baby is so cute, Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying breathed out, crying tears of happiness, "She even has your golden eyes!" he said, placing a soft kiss on his gorgeous baby girl's forehead but soon flushed with embarrassment when the baby who kept on mewling and snuggling closer, deeper into his warmth somehow made her way inside Wei Ying's robes and started suckling!

Right in front of everyone!

Meanwhile, Lan Zhan who was smiling softly with tears of relief and gratefulness in his eyes as he watched his Wei Ying safe and happy holding their fragile newborn carefully in his arms, frowned with jealousy and vexation witnessing the startling scene!

Lan Zhan received the shock of his life, as he finally realised that whatever was happening will keep on happening and he could do nought about it! Except for watching the little devil steal his Wei Ying away from him, just like that! This little devil who looked so much like his Wei Ying with the same cute mole below her lips was suckling on his Wei Ying's nipples without Lan Zhan's permission!

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