Time Flies

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“Hey! What's wrong with all of you? Can just anyone tell me what exactly is happening here?” Jiang Cheng asked, bewildered, “Why isn’t any of you saying anything or trying to stop this silly fight between children, who are fighting over their mother?!!!”

“Because my mama is NOT this little doctor Wen Yuan’s mother!” Ayuan stated frowning while rubbing Little devil’s small back to calm down her possesive anger and stop her from releasing any more of her suffocating, soury, and spicy pheromones.

Wei Ying sighed deeply, puzzled by the sudden twist in the situation and turned his head to look at his gentle husband, expectantly, to help him resolve this absolutely absurd situation among the children but much to his dismay, was received by a frowning and sulking and wallowing in self-pity Lan Zhan, who was looking at his Wei Ying, not exactly his Wei Ying but his cheek, pointedly, where the little Wen Yuan had kissed him, a few moments ago.



Wei Ying frowned.

Having enough of his sulking, pouting husband and this weird fight among the children, Wei Ying scolded, “Children, if you won’t stop this silly fight, right this instant, then I promise, I’ll stop talking to ALL OF YOU! EACH ONE OF YOU …AND YOU TOO!” Wei Ying said, looking pointedly at his husband.

“Wasn’t fighting. Wei Ying needs to see correctly.” Lan Zhan hmphed, turning his face only slightly away from his Wei Ying direction but his longing golden eyes never left his Wei Ying’s plump lips

That’s not the point husband! You are not helping me to resolve this situation either!” Wei Ying complained

“Mama! Please, No! I’m sorry! Uh- I mean, WE ARE SORRY!” Ayuan corrected himself the moment he felt his baby sister’s intense gaze on himself instead of on their mutual enemy, Wen Yuan and smelled the sweet fragrance of lotus flowers only which he knew, for sure, that it wasn’t for him.

“And You?! Do you want to talk to me or not?!!” Wei Ying asked, raising his brow at Little Wen Yuan who was looking back at him, pouting and heartbrokenly

“Will you really not talk to me, beautiful gege?! I only just met you... Do you not like Wen Yuan?!” He asked, his small pink lips pouting and quivering as big fat tears rolled down his soft chubby cheeks




Such an adorable, cute and clever little muchkin!’ Wei Ying thought smiling, looking at Wen Yuan and knowing exactly what that little mischief was trying to do in front of his children who were barely controlling themselves and were seconds away from grabbing this soon to be seven-years-old doctor away from him and dealing with him, separately, but…

Just how could Wei Ying resist himself from picking up a crying child into his arms, especially a child having the same sweet face of his little Ayuan, one that was instilled so clearly in his memory, one that he missed watching so so much, in all his cold lonely years in that dark cold timeless space.

“No! I won’t stop talking to you, little one, but drop your act quickly, buddy. Stop trying to make my children more jealous of you than they already are! Don’t judge them by their innocent faces. They are scary. Reaaalllly scary. You wouldn’t want to be alone with them in the same room. Believe me.” Wei Ying whispered in Wen Yuan’s ears and kissed his soft squishy cheeks playfully as if he didn’t just threaten a child, and said, “So, when are you going to begin my suggested treatment and therapy, Doctor Wen Yuan?!

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