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"..aba! Baba! BABA!!!" Ayuan cried, shaking Lan Zhan out of his stupor

"Wei Ying?!" Lan Zhan breathed out, dazed and still glaring at the spot where his Wei Ying was sleeping peacefully with their daughter just moments ago.

"Mama and little devil aren't here, baba! They've teleported! And it happened before her time of birth!" Ayuan panicked, his voice getting louder with every word, unintentionally as he looked at his baba and said, "Mama wasn't even awake baba! We need to do something! I NEED YOU!!!"

Like a switch turned off, Lan Zhan's eyes immediately cleared and filled with slow-burning wrath towards everyone and no one in particular as he strode out of Jingshi with quick resolute steps, followed by Ayuan, towards Hanshi to inform his Xiongzhang about little devil's sudden teleportation.

He knocked at Hanshi's door only once before entering without even waiting for his brother's reply and said, "Xiongzhang! Wei Ying got teleported while asleep. Search. I'm taking Ayuan to Jiang Sect and then Nie Sect"

"W-What-?!" Lan Xichen was so surprised by the sudden appearance of his dangerously furious baby brother that he couldn't even complete his words before Lan Zhan held Ayuan's hand and disappeared in front of his eyes in split second.

"Oh no..." Lan Xichen breathed out, frowning...


"Zhang Fen greets you, Hanguang-Jun and Lan Sizhui!" Zhang Fen, head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang Sect, said as he bowed nervously in front of Lan Zhan and Ayuan who looked too similar in the way they were keeping themselves calm and composed but most likely simmering with rage, "Sect Leader has already departed for Cloud Recesses along with Sect Leader Jin. He must be reaching there by now."

"Wei Ying?!"

"Wei gongzi?! Here?! Has he teleported again?! Oh! I'm..I'm sorry. As far as I know, he isn't here but allow me some time to search for him," Zhang Fen stuttered, breaking out in a cold sweat the moment Lan Zhan's intense glare zeroed in on him

"Zhang gongzi! We'll search together with you!" Lan Sizhui stated firmly, allowing no room for discussion

For the next one hour, Lan Zhan and Ayuan along with Zhang Fen searched the whole Lotus Pier. From every single room and hall to every lane and dock, they searched all possible and likely possible places where Wei Ying might've teleported.

Just the fact that it happened before Little devil's birth time and Wei Ying being asleep when he got teleported was enough to put both father and son on edge. It was only because of their years of training and meditation that they weren't lashing out at anyone who as much as breathed wrong in front of them.

"Zhang gongzi! We'll take our leave now. Please send us a message if you get any information about them," Lan Sizhui said and bowed to the head disciple before Lan Zhan held his hand and teleported to Qinghe Nie Sect.

Because of the unfamiliar location and reluctance of Qinghe Nie Sect's head disciple to allow the Lans to search the entire sect inside out in the absence of Sect Leader Nie, it longer than an hour and a half to skim through every nook and corner for any trace of Wei Ying and the baby but in vain.

Not wanting to leave any stone unturned, they even teleported to Lanling Jin Sect.

With the help of Jin Sect's Senior disciple who was aware of Wei Ying and their little devil, they searched all the accessible parts of the Jin sect as discreetly as possible for the next hour but having no success, Lan Zhan and Ayuan teleported back to Cloud Recesses, inside Yashi, despondently, only to witness an extremely worried Healer Fu checking the vitals of a sickly pale and heavily breathing omega Wei Wuxian and utterly shocked faces of Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, Jiang Wanyin, Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling.

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